Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Prime Number Fortran Program

Valued Contributor III

Ever since Pure Math at ANU in 1975, prime numbers are of some interest.  

I was reading an article on Prime Numbers, random prime numbers 


I was taking my daughter for a drive,  and I was playing with the random numbers in my head, and they do not appear to truly random. 


If you consider the set of primes p1,p2, p3 etc.. 

then p4 + 1 is a composite, with 

p4+1 = p1**c1*p2**c2*p3**c3

which can be cast as arrays.  

The sets c(:,:) are determinant, they follow a set pattern for each c(i,:).  The first few primes are shown in this format in the EXCEL chart. 

I had a few spare minutes and I started to code a program to determine primes marching forward.  It is rough and the counter patterns need to be properly coded, but can you call a random prime truly random if it is predictable from a simple pattern matrix. 

 program Primer
    implicit none

    integer, parameter :: n = 5
    integer i
    integer j
    integer k
    integer k1
    integer L

    integer prime(n)
    integer primecount(n,n)
    integer counter(n)
    integer number
    prime = 0
    primecount = 0
    prime(1) = 2
    counter = 0

    counter(1) = 1
    do j = 1,n
        do i =1,j
            number = prime(1)**counter(1)*prime(2)**counter(2)
            if(number .eq. prime(i)) then
                write(*,100)i, j, (prime(k),k = 1,n),(counter(k1),k1=1,n), number
100             Format(2(i4,"  "),3(i5,"  ")," | ", 3(i5,"  "),"  | ", i4)
                counter(1) = counter(1) + 1
                do L = 1,number-1
                    if(prime(L) == 0) then
                        prime(L) = number - 1
                        primecount(:,j-1) = counter(:)
                        counter = 0
                        if(L == 2) then
                            counter(1) = 1
                            counter(2) = 1
                    end if
                end do
            end if
        end do
    end do

    end program primer

Probably I am wrong. 


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13 Replies
Honored Contributor III

JMN wrote:

If you consider the set of primes p1,p2, p3 etc.. then p4 + 1 is a composite, with 

     p4+1 = p1**c1*p2**c2*p3**c3

The wording is rather vague. For the claim to be considered important, the four members p1,..,p4 should be assumed to be distinct. Is this a new conjecture from you, or do you have a reference to a theorem on which you think it is based? Are p1,...,p4 in increasing order?

Here are three counterexamples.

A. Assume p1,...,p4 are in increasing order. Then, p4+1 is even, so 2 is one of its factors. Unless you chose p1=2, the factor 2 is not a member of the set p1, p2, p3.

B.     p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3 = 5, p4 = 7; p4 + 1 = p1^3, and p2 and p3 are not factors of p4 + 1.

C.  Take p4 = 7919, the last prime shown in the Wikipedia article. Then p4 + 1 = 2^4 . 3^2 . 5 . 11, which shows that p4 + 1 has four prime factors, Therefore, you cannot find any triplet p1, p2, p3 of primes that will suffice to satisfy the conjecture.

As it often happens, it is easier to find an example to disprove a false conjecture than to construct a proof of a true conjecture.

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Valued Contributor III

@mecej4 , I was playing with the idea, it is just fun to take my mind of programming and when driving slowly adding extra primes in my mind.  A better representation is 

Screenshot 2021-12-15 084421.png

The conjecture is that all primes are the integers that remain after you take away all the composites.  The development of the composites leave holes in the set of integers.  The interest is in the form of the each column set of the c(i,j) , so the column set of c(i,j) for the prime number 2 is

1 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,4 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,5 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,4 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,2 .... up to 54. 

Visually - 



So in the end I could not hold them in my head, so I moved to EXCEL, then you run into the time taken for each one and so at that stage I moved to look at a Fortran program, of course one is seeking the single number that proves the idea wrong,  but to get there one needs to determine and program the for each column set of C(i,j)


The pattern for the 2 column is 

a b a c a c a d a b a c


where a = 1,0,2,0  b = 1,0,3,0 c = 1,0,4,0 d = 1,0,5,0          does this repeat forever with the third element increasing by 1.  

And so on for all columns of c, just different forms.  

If we use the equation above to represent all numbers then the primes are the ones where for p(i) the sum of the row c(i,j) up to i-1 is 1.   Of course can we predict the form of the infinite series for each column of c - that makes it codable.   The primes occur when the zeros in the a, b, c, d pattern across a row line up.  

It is just fun.  I was looking at was the idea codable to then look for the number that does not fit the pattern.  That is the purpose of Fortran.  

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Honored Contributor III

Well, the product representation that you provided in the small image (I think that the product is over j = 1,..., i-1, and the subscript on p should have been j, not i) is applicable to any composite integer, whether or not that integer is 1 + a prime. Furthermore, if you wish to seek and describe patterns in the c_ij, you have to specify that the primes be taken in some specific order, such as p_i > p_j if i > j.

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Honored Contributor III

I think the conjecture John is making is probabilistic not absolute.

Potentially, decryption methods could reduce time to solution by following the higher probabilistic paths?

Jim Dempsey  

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Valued Contributor III


The pattern in binary for one set is 










It breaks into the groups of 4, which suggests the pattern exists in all bases, but I am not going to try and do any more.  

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Valued Contributor III

@mecej4 -- All numbers can be represented as a multiplication of the primes that are less than the number (obviously)

so when I have 2 and 3 as primes I can represent 4 and 6, but not five so 5 is added to the prime class.  I can find 5 just knowing 2 and 3.  So now I have a different number representations for all integers as a set of the primes less than the number raised to a set of powers.  

we can say 2 in the new representation is 1,   3 = 10, 4 = 2, 5 = 100 6 = 11, 7 = 1000, 8 = 3, 9 = 20 etc...   it is weird to think about it, but then the numbers looked at vertically have patterns.  

The conjecture is that each set has a pattern.  

I was struggling with the mathematical representation of the idea, I had a shot at it in the early post,  but the idea is if coded it makes it easy and I thought a different way to search for primes, at the moment we do a reverse search.  

Jim:  I am of the opinion it holds to infinity, but the beauty of theorems is to find out you are wrong.  I am happy to be proven wrong, the fun is in the search and the coding.  

What if I am not wrong? 

The next challenge is coding the patterns?


Plus who else but you lot would you want to have this much fun with - only my daughters and only 1 is interested in math. 

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Valued Contributor III
    program Primer
    implicit none

    integer, parameter :: n = 12
    integer i
    integer j
    integer k
    integer k1
    integer L
    integer sum

    integer prime(n)
    integer composite(2*n)
    integer primecount(n,n)
    integer counter(n)
    integer number
    integer Llast
    prime = 0
    primecount = 0
    prime(1) = 2
    counter = 0
    Llast = 1

    counter(1) = 1
    do j = 1,n
        do i =1,j
            number = prime(1)**counter(1)*prime(2)**counter(2)*prime(3)**counter(3)*prime(4)**counter(4)*prime(5)**counter(5)*prime(6)**counter(6)
            write(*,*)"Number 1 :: ", number
            sum = counter(1) + counter(2) + counter(3) + counter(4) + counter(5)
            if(sum > 1) then
                composite(number) = 1
                end if
            if(number .eq. prime(i)) then
                write(*,100)i, j, (prime(k),k = 1,n),(counter(k1),k1=1,n), number
100             Format(2(i4,"  "),3(i5,"  ")," | ", 3(i5,"  "),"  | ", i4)
                counter(1) = counter(1) + 1
                write(*,*)"Number 2 :: ", number
                composite(number) = 1
                do L = 1,number-1
                    write(*,*)"  L :: ", L
                    if(prime(L) == 0) then
                        if(composite(number - 1 ) == 0 .or. composite(number) .ne. 1) then
                            prime(L) = number - 1
                            primecount(:,j-1) = counter(:)
                            counter = 0
                        if(Llast == 1) then
                            counter(1) = 0
                            counter(2) = 1
                            Llast = 2
                        elseif(Llast == 2) then
                            counter(1) = 3
                            counter(2) = 0
                            counter(3) = 0
                            Llast = 3
                        elseif(Llast == 3) then
                            counter(1) = 0
                            counter(2) = 2
                            counter(3) = 0
                            counter(4) = 0
                            Llast = 4

                        elseif(Llast == 4) then
                            counter(1) = 1
                            counter(2) = 0
                            counter(3) = 1
                            counter(4) = 0
                            Llast = 5
                        elseif(Llast == 5) then
                            counter(1) = 2
                            counter(2) = 1
                            counter(3) = 0
                            counter(4) = 0
                            Llast = 6
                        elseif(Llast == 6) then
                            counter(1) = 1
                            counter(2) = 0
                            counter(3) = 0
                            counter(4) = 1
                            counter(5) = 0
                            Llast = 7
                        elseif(Llast == 7) then
                            counter(1) = 0
                            counter(2) = 1
                            counter(3) = 1
                            counter(4) = 0
                            counter(5) = 0
                            Llast = 8
                        elseif(Llast ==  then
                            counter(1) = 1
                            counter(2) = 2
                            counter(3) = 0
                            counter(4) = 0
                            counter(5) = 0
                            Llast = 9
                        elseif(Llast == 9) then
                            counter(1) = 2
                            counter(2) = 0
                            counter(3) = 1
                            counter(4) = 0
                            counter(5) = 0
                            counter(6) = 0
                            Llast = 10

                    end if
                end do
            end if
        end do
    end do

    end program primer

This is an extremely badly coded method, but it works to 19 and shows me how to improve it.  

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Valued Contributor III

Well I took a day off to properly code the prime program. 

It appears to work a treat.  

There are three patterns to the numbers. The first pattern is for the set of 2's, the second is for the set of 3's and the last pattern so far is for all the others.  

The last pattern appears to work perfectly, the 2's I have the algorithm sorted nicely - it is evident in the code, the threes I have made a dog's breakfast of the code and I need to simplify it.  It should have a similar structure to the 2's.  it would be trivial to make the code self correcting, but I am not going to do that I want to see the patterns develop. 

I have the code running to 600 as I sort of the 2's and 3's pattern and code it.  

The patterns are repetitive, see the graphs 

Screenshot 2021-12-17 205733.png


Screenshot 2021-12-17 205803.png


There is no great randomness to the primes, they are merely the product of a set of waves of relatively fixed numbers.  

The argument that 1 is not a prime for a variety of reasons is interesting, but in reality it is the zeroth prime as it is product of all primes raised to the zeroth power.  Otherwise you need to say that 0 is not an integer. 

I assume this is not new, but it was a fun way to waste a day.  As I was doing it I gave a name to the set of numbers in the matrix, the Field Numbers after the great prof who taught me Fluid Mechanics and supervised my Honors work. 

It is a minor bit of trivial code to determine the Mersenne primes. 


Thanks to @mecej4 , I copied the style from Magni for the structure and the Types.  There is some miscellaneous garbage in the files from Magni. 


The program is designed to stop when it finds an error in the patterns. 


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Valued Contributor III

There are simple modulo patterns underneath the set2 and the set3.  


It has been a long and fun day.  

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Valued Contributor III

I found the patterns, easy to extend, I ran into the problem that I have been wasteful on the arrays and I am stuck with the 2GB limit,  it will comfortably do 15000 integers in 70 seconds, I print the results to the screen which is always slow.  I get the Mersenne Primes.  

I could not get heaps array to work, help needed.  

There appear to be 3 patterns to the coefficients, one for the 2's, one for the 3's and one for the rest, once I had that sorted it runs quite nicely.  



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Honored Contributor III

>>The first pattern is for the set of 2's, the second is for the set of 3's and the last pattern...

You've made a presumption that the true number base is base 10. What does your frequency distribution look like using different number bases? Do they show a similar distribution?

Jim Dempsey

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Valued Contributor III

You are driving along with a 14 year old in the back watching a TV show that is in Korean and there is 3 hours to go you need something to think about.  Primes are easy as they are simple and beautiful.  

I was thinking about the first group, 3, 5, 7, which makes you logically think that 9 should logically, deep in your mind, be a prime, I mean of any number 9 not being a prime is so sad.  Apology - but a book title for a mystery should be "Nine not a prime" but it should be -- a murder mystery with a nun, priest and a Fortran programmer.   The victim has a punch card pinned with their chest with a spindle

That got me thinking about the components.  Blast 3 squared being 9.  

You look at them as you start to wonder why there is not a pattern?  We see the same thing in FFT results, you spend many days looking for patterns in things that look random, but are not.  Then have the fun of explaining them.  

The problem to me is explaining composites as a number made up of primes, ie primes are different, but what if they are not that different.  

So a composite is  num = a*b or a**2*b 

Now extend this to mean that number is a complete infinite set of primes each raised to an integer power and multiplied together - a product.  Once you think this, it suggests that  if you have a prime raised to zero you have one, so a composite is an infinite set of primes raised to a set of powers.  

We can represent the set for each number whether composite of prime as a group such as 

1000000000 ........... 

Unfortunately I use them in Fortran so we read the number as increasing from left to right, so this number represents 2 to the first power and all the rest to zeroth power.  For simplicity terminate the printing at the first zero in the infinite remaining set.  

So 01 is 3,  2 is 4, 001 is five, 11 is six and 0001 is seven.  Extend them to a matrix

1  0  0 0

0 1 0 0

2 0 0 0

0 0 1 0

1 1 0 0

0 0 0 1

The numbers look weird until you get enough of them.  primes are just the rows that if you sum all components in the matrix sum to one.  It is actually a simple test for primeness, it can be done marching forward, all you need is the start with 2 and 3.  

Now if you plot the columns in EXCEL you see a nice set of patterns.  

I did the first 54 in EXCEL and got really bored and it is hard mentally.  Last week was spent on a challenging FFT and occasionally taking a break to read this forum and the Guardian.  To the poor people who read this forum, I apologize for inflicting this stuff upon your soul.  

So I took a break and decided to have some fun and just code the primes properly.  I grabbed the good stuff @mecej4  gave me for Magni, thank you.  The only challenge is the form of the patterns, but the program provided a way to allow the program to tel you the errors in your patterns.  The twos pattern is simple 



    subroutine Pattern_2(i, cj, cjI)
    implicit none
    integer i
    integer cj
    integer cjI
    integer j
    integer k
    integer count
    cj = 0
    count = 0

    if(i .eq. 1791) then

    if(mod(i,4) == 1) then
        cj = 1
    else if(mod(i,4) == 2) then
        cj = 0
    else if(mod(i,4) == 3) then
        cj = 2

        count = 0
        do k = 7, nprimemax,8
            count = count + 1
            if(i == k) then
                cj = 3
                if(mod(count,4) == 2) then          ! if(count == 2 .or. count == 6 .or. count == 10 .or. count == 14 .or. count == 18 .or. count == 22 .or. count == 26 .or. count == 30 .or. count == 34 .or. count == 38 .or. count == 42 .or. count == 46  .or. count == 50 .or. count == 54 .or. count == 58 .or. count == 62 .or. count == 66 .or. count == 70 .or. count == 74 .or. count == 78 .or. count == 82 &
                    cj = cj + 1                     !  .or. count == 86 .or. count == 90.or. count == 94 .or. count == 96 .or. count == 98) then
                else if(mod(count,8) == 4) then     ! else if(count == 4 .or. count == 12 .or. count == 20 .or. count == 28 .or. count == 36 .or. count == 44 .or. count == 52 .or. count == 60 .or. count == 68 .or. count == 76 .or. count == 84 .or. count == 92 .or. count == 100) then
                    cj = cj + 2
                else if(mod(count,16) ==  then    ! else if(count == 8 .or. count == 24 .or. count == 40 .or. count == 56 .or. count == 72 .or. count == 88 .or. count == 104) then
                    cj = cj + 3
                else if(mod(count, 32) == 16) then  !else if(count == 16 .or. count == 48 .or. count == 80) then
                    cj = cj + 4
                else if(mod(count,64)  == 32) then   !                                             count == 32 .or. count == 96 .or. count == 160 .or. count == 224) then
                    cj = cj + 5
                else if(mod(count,128)  == 64) then        !count == 64 .or. count == 192) then
                    cj = cj + 6
                else if(mod(count,256) == 128) then
                    cj = cj + 7
                else if(mod(count,512) == 256) then
                    cj = cj + 8
                else if(mod(count,1024) == 512) then
                    cj = cj + 9
                else if(mod(count,2048) == 1024) then
                    cj = cj + 10
            end if

        end do
    else if(mod(i,4) == 0) then
        cj = 0
    end if

    cjI = cj

    write(sw,100) i, cj
100 format(i5, " , ", i5, ","\)

    end subroutine Pattern_2



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Valued Contributor III

You can see the method used to develop the patterns in the comments on the right.   I can assure that was the boring part.  

The 3's pattern was difficult, I started  badly, but once I had the 2's I went back and tried the same thing at midnight last night with the 3's and in about an hour had the following, 



    subroutine Pattern_3(i, cj, cjI, counter, root)
    implicit none
    integer i
    integer cj
    integer cjI
    integer j
    integer k
    integer count
    integer counter
    integer modD
    integer modE
    integer modF
    integer modG
    integer num
    integer prime
    integer root
    integer seek
    integer mark
    integer cH

    cj = 0
    count = 0
    prime = 3
    mark = 1
    cH = 0

    seek = 17

    if(seek == i) then
    end if

    do k = 1,nprimemax
        if(k == i) then

            if(mod(mark,6561) == 6560) then
                ch = 8
            else if(mod(mark,2187) == 2186) then
                cH = 7
            else if(mod(mark,729) == 728) then
                cH = 6

            else if(mod(mark,243) == 242) then
                cH = 5
            else if(mod(mark,81) == 80) then
                cH = 4
            else if (mod(mark,27) .eq. 26) then
                cH = 3
            else if(mod(mark,9) ==  then
                cH = 2
            else if (mod(mark,3) == 2) then
                cH = 1
                cH = 0
        end if

        mark = mark + 1
    end do

    cjI = cH

    write(sw,100) cjI
100 format(" , ", i5)

    end subroutine Pattern_3

The descending order is important.  

The final pattern was really simple. 



    subroutine pattern(m, prime, coeff)

    implicit none
    integer m
    integer prime
    integer i
    integer coeff(nprimemax)
    integer num
    integer k


100 Format(//,"      Coefficients for prime :: ",i6,//,"-------------------------------------------------------------------------",//)

    do i = 1, nprimemax

        if(i == 1 .or. i <= prime - 1) then
            coeff(i) = 0
            coeff(i) = 0
        if(mod((i+1),prime) == 0) then
            coeff(i) = 1
    end do

    do i = 1, nprimemax

        num = prime**i

        if(num > nprimemax) then
        end if
        coeff(num-1) = i
        if(2*num .lt. nprimemax) then
            do k = 2,nprimemax
                if(k*num - 1 < nprimemax) then
                    coeff(k*num - 1) = i
                end if
            end do
        end if

    end do

    do i = 1, nprimemax

    end do


    end subroutine pattern

 All other primes so far follow this pattern.  

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