Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Q re debugger window size


I have had trouble trying to readjust the size of the OUTPUT window

when I hit a break point. Very often, I want to scroll backwards, or see the 120 character lines

that a program might produce.

Is there a way to get the FULL window size and scroll history before hitting a break point?

You cannot do it AT the break point because the window disappears.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

It is not clear whether you mean the VS Output Window, or the console window that the Fortran runtime opens for sending program output generated by statements such as WRITE(*,..). You probably mean the latter; if so, let the program run far enough to cause that window to be opened, right-click on the button at the top left corner of the window, and left-click on Properties. Set the width and height of the window, the size of the scroll buffer, etc.

If you want to have your settings persist across debugging runs, do so by using the Defaults menu item instead of the Properties menu item in the CMD.EXE window that your program creates, as described above.

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You're still doing a QuickWin application, right? You can't do ANYTHING to that window at a breakpoint - it isn't a regular console window but a bitmap window that requires the program be running so that the Windows "messages" for the window can be handled.

As an alternative, you can open a new "regular" console window and write to that. To do that, you'd have to call the Windows API routine AllocConsole:

use kernel32
iret = AllocConsole()

and then open unit 6 with FILE="CON" and write to unit 6. Then you'll have a separate console window you can scroll even when the program is stopped.

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Honored Contributor II
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