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28523 Discussions

Random console error in graphics programs

New Contributor I

I have a graphics program that also generatesPRINT statements, and accepts input via READ statements.

I sometimes get this "severe error" in Unit 4. It doesn't like the input from the READ * statement. This is entirely RANDOM. Sometimes it accepts it, sometimes it doesn't. Even with the exact same input characters the error occurs randomly. I am not putting in any unusual characters, just numerical digits, periods, plus and minus signs.

READ and PRINT statements don't belong in the same window as graphics output anyway. Isn't there a way to ISOLATE those from the graphics? None of these problems occur in a console application.

An intelligent system programmer should provide for that.

Don't they TEST this stuff ????

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3 Replies
What exactly is the error message? I assume this is a QuickWin application - if so, you can open a new window for just the text input and output (or just the graphics if you desire.)
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New Contributor I

That's exactly what I need - a way to open a window so that CONIN$ comes from just that, and CONOUT$ goes to just that, so that READ and PRINT statements are isolated from the graphics I/O.

Is there an article I can read where this is discussed in more detail? I don't find that just the listings of the subroutine usages are that useful, it's so fragmented.

Thanks; Bill S.

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See my reply to your other thread. There's a large section of the installed on-disk documentation dealing with QuickWin usage.
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