Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28716 Discussions

Strange occurance of "Internal Compiler Error" with co-array fortran

New Contributor I


I am having a bizarre "Internal Compiler Error" issue with a co-array Fortran code, only with the Debug compilation.

The code compiles with no issues using IFORT 2021.6.0 (oneAPI_2022.1.0); now I am trying to compile with the latest IFORT distribution. I am also using VS 2019 Community edition.

I have tens of source files distributed around my hard-disk. I add these files to my project; when I compile I get ICE with the Debug build but the Release build compiles fine. To submit a bug report, I collected all these source files under a single folder, added them again to my project but, to my surprise, ICE disappeared.  The only difference between the projects is where the source files are located on my hard drive. I am attaching the project files and build logs that generate ICE (with "_ICE" in the filename) and those that don't generate ICE (with "_NoICE" in the filename).

Aside from the source file paths that are different in the two setups, I also notice that the compile order of the source files are different which maybe causing the ICE. 

Any ideas what might be going on here? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Internal compiler error is ALWAYS a compiler bug. I do suspect the compilation order, and it may be related to generated interface checking, which is on by default in a debug configuration. You might try turning that off (/warn:nointerface) to see if that helps. In any event, an Intel rep should look into this.

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@Jon_D, I see you submitted a support ticket for this. Thank you for doing that. A Fortran TCE (technical consulting engineer) will be looking at it shortly.


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New Contributor I

Turning off the interface checking did not help.

It seems to be something to do with the location of the source files (this seems odd, though). Yesterday, while I was trying to put together a setup to submit to Intel, it was compiling fine when the source files were under a folder "D:\Temp\IWFM\SourceCode".  Then I moved them to "D:\Temp\IWFM\ICE\SourceCode" and the error came back.


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