Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

VisualFortran and DLL

Hello, Please help me it's urgent

On Visual Fortran I have to automate routine tasks. I want to do with only one command this :
build toto.exe
execute toto.exe
copy some files from toto project (results of toto.exe) to titi project
build titi.exe
execute titi.exe

I've seen that I can't do that with MACRO (VBScript) but it's seem possible with VIsualBasic or VisualC++.
I see the documentation on line but I don't success now and my problem is urgent.
For example I don't know how can I traduce these tasks in Visual Basic or Visual C++ ?
Is someone know how can I do to write on command doing all these tasks and connect it to Developer Studio ?

thanks for help
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1 Reply
Valued Contributor II
Well, if it can be done in VBScript, it certainly can be done in VB...

However, a simpler approach comes out if you type in the command prompt:
C:>dfdev /?
  MSDEV [myprj.dsp|mywksp.dsw]  - load project/workspace
        /EX          - execute a VBScript macro

So, if you know how to write the macro in VBScript, you can write a batch file which will automate the task.
START /WAIT msdev /EXMyMacro
should execute your macro and wait until completion; the rest should involve just COPY.

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