Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28519 Discussions

Will RHEL 6 compiled code run under RHEL 5.3?

I am new to the Linux world and was wondering whether a code compiled with the latest Intel Fortran compiler (Intel Composer XE 2011 for Linux)under Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 6 will run under Red Hat Enterprise release 5.3 without the need to recompile the code?

Also, does Intel Composer XE 2011 for Linux provide the option to compile for specific processors? For example, if my develepment platform is a quad core and my target machine is a Xeon, can I optimize the binary for the xeon when compiling the code on the quad core?

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3 Replies
Quoting a private reply:

You can't count on building on a newer distro, then running on an older one, as you are likely to run into a glibc version run-time check. The other way is better supported (build on the oldest glibc you intend to support).
I don't know what your distinction between quad core and Xeon could be, as most current Xeon CPUs are quad or 6 core. Yes, you can compile with an architecture option (such as the default SSE2) which is suitable for the older CPU when compiling on the newer one. You would normally leave open the number of threads so that a suitable number can be chosen at run time. For example, Intel OpenMP has options to choose number of threads automatically or set it by standard OpenMP environment variable.
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Thanks for the reply. A few more questions:

1. Some of our machines are running Red Hat Enterprise Server 5.3 and others Red Hat Enterprise Desktop 5.3. Will there be any problems running programs on the Red Hat Server that were built on the Desktop version? I called Red Hat and they could not answer this basic question.

2. If I statically link my program, why would there be a problem running on other versions? All the required libraries should be included in the executable.

2. How does the Intel Fortran compliler run on such a wide range of linux distributions and versions? Can I achieve this same flexibility?
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Honored Contributor III
1. Some of our machines are running Red Hat Enterprise Server 5.3 and others Red Hat Enterprise Desktop 5.3. Will there be any problems running programs on the Red Hat Server that were built on the Desktop version? I called Red Hat and they could not answer this basic question.

The best answer to such broad questions would be "It depends". What does the program in question depend on? Are those packages on which your program depends available on both versions of the OS?

2. If I statically link my program, why would there be a problem running on other versions? All the required libraries should be included in the executable.

Your program still has to make system calls. In turn, the OS may invoke loadable modules. The OS has to provide support for modern hardware.

3. How does the Intel Fortran compliler run on such a wide range of linux distributions and versions?

If you search through the Intel forums you will find that there is a well-established set of prerequisites. Typically, the latest OS releases are not supported, nor are very old versions. Only a few popular Linux distros are officially supported.

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