Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28522 Discussions

about Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer/Cluster Editions


Some questions about Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer/Cluster Editions for Linux

1) Am I correct, that there is now no "only Fortran version" (ifort w/o C) for Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition?

2)  Composer Edition includes MKL,  MKL library includes  PBLAS, which may be used in cluster.
 Intel MKL PBLAS is based on MPI. May I translate (using Intel C compiler) any free MPI library, or must use (and purchase therefore additionally to MKL) only Intel MPI ?

3) -coarray=distributed        
 This  mode requires Parallel Studio Cluster Edition, which includes Intel MPI.
Is it possible now to use also free MPI (for example OpenMPI over Infiniband) ? ( I understand that Intel gives no such WARRANTY).
4) CAF Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for Fortran Linux may work only with -coarray=shared
This software package don't includes MPI. Does this means that SMP-parallelization of images don't requires MPI ?
5) How many images may be accessed after CAF compilation with -coarray=coprocessor flag on 1-CPU server w/1 Intel MIC GPU

at heterogenous model ? (CPU_ncores + 61) images ? (w/o hyperthreading)

Mikhail Kuzminsky


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1 Reply

1) Correct - Cluster Edition has all our tools.

2) I suggest you ask this in the MKL forum

3) In order to use -coarray=distributed, you must have a license for the Cluster Edition, even if you won't be using Intel MPI.

4) We supply the Intel MPI runtime, which is free, for use with -coarray=shared

5) You can potentially use all of the cores on the Xeon Phi coprocessor, plus whatever you have on the CPU. Of course, the general recommendation is to reserve one MIC core for the OS.

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