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28543 Discussions

array visualizer does not show plot and graphs

I know this should be better posted in the 'array visualizer ' board, but here are more fortran users. I am turning from CVF to IVF because I got a new laptop running with vista.
I am using IVF10.1+AV3.3 in visual studio 2008 team system in vista, and I use AvFRT commands to call AV and generate plot&graphs in it, in the program. The AV does show up with my data/plot/graph in the left tree bar, but nothing appears in the main window, in which I supposed to see my plots. It says 'loading ' in the left bottom info line, but never loaded...

1. I tried the command graph:/plot name, click the icon with mouse, but nothing happened. Is there anyone know what should I do to get the plot appear?
2. I also tried to open the AV manually and then open a plot file, still nothing shows up in the main window.
I think there is somthing wrong with my AV, maybe some environment parameters, but do not know what would it be. Any suggestions?
3. Another strange thing is that when I right click->property of the plot, no-content shows up in the pop-up tab too. It seems that the plot is empty. It pops up error with undefined 'OnStateSelectMouseEnter' when I move my mouse to the left-side options of the property tab.
4. The snap shot of the AV is attached in pdf file.

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5 Replies
the word file does not show up, but I do upload it to my folder??
Quoting - stll
I know this should be better posted in the 'array visualizer ' board, but here are more fortran users. I am turning from CVF to IVF because I got a new laptop running with vista.
I am using IVF10.1+AV3.3 in visual studio 2008 team system in vista, and I use AvFRT commands to call AV and generate plot&graphs in it, in the program. The AV does show up with my data/plot/graph in the left tree bar, but nothing appears in the main window, in which I supposed to see my plots. It says 'loading ' in the left bottom info line, but never loaded...

1. I tried the command graph:/plot name, click the icon with mouse, but nothing happened. Is there anyone know what should I do to get the plot appear?
2. I also tried to open the AV manually and then open a plot file, still nothing shows up in the main window.
I think there is somthing wrong with my AV, maybe some environment parameters, but do not know what would it be. Any suggestions?
3. Another strange thing is that when I right click->property of the plot, no-content shows up in the pop-up tab too. It seems that the plot is empty. It pops up error with undefined 'OnStateSelectMouseEnter' when I move my mouse to the left-side options of the property tab.
4. The snap shot of the AV is attached in doc file.


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You have to follow all the steps for attaching a file - see link below.
0 Kudos
Thank you Steve, I attached the file at the end of the original post.

Quoting - Steve Lionel (Intel)
You have to follow all the steps for attaching a file - see link below.

0 Kudos
This may be a Vista thing. I have not tried it there. Can you attach a ZIP of your project?
0 Kudos

Attached is the zip file. It is a sine code to test the AV.

I also think of vista problem, since no plot displayed also when I open the visualizer manually from its setup folder. but I am not sure what the problem might be...
For the settings,
1. I setup visual studio, then fortran 10.1, then array visualizer 3.3 (IA-32).
2. I include AV's /lib and /include folders in visual studio's tool->option->Intel Fortran->compliers
3. I add links '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE AvFRTd.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib' to the project's property->linker->command line
Then I run the code, and AV pops out with no displays.
I tried to re-instal either AV or AV/IVF, and the problem remains.

Another thing to mention is that I used to install Compaq array visualizer on this vista machine, but I then uninstalled it because the CVF6.6 did not instal on the vista. I am not sure if it matters.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Quoting - Steve Lionel (Intel)
This may be a Vista thing. I have not tried it there. Can you attach a ZIP of your project?

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