Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

idb problem


i was recently facing some problem with idb and hence reinstalled. but the problem is not solved.

yhe log is attached.

[cpp]$ iidb irun
Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.0, Build [1.1510.2.70]
object file name: irun

Reading symbols from /home/rudra/Recursion/ASR/irun...done.
Assertion failed: "(*i)->getThreadId() != ThreadId()" src/appl/procs/addrspace.C:2819
This is an unexpected condition and may indicate the presence of a defect.
If you wish to report this, please include the stack trace that follows.
iidb(_ZN15IDBAssertFailed3runEPKcS1_j+0x11) [0x81e4f33]
iidb(_ZN14DTLU_namespace12assertFailedEPKcS1_j+0x1b) [0x87a2199]
iidb(_ZN12AddrSpaceDef9getThreadERK8ThreadId+0x6a) [0x8296364]
iidb(_ZN10ProcessDef9getThreadERK8ThreadId+0x19) [0x828127d]
iidb(_ZN10ControlDef20forceThreadExistenceEP17LightweightWorkerR8ThreadIdRP6Thread+0xef) [0x86bc8ab]
iidb(_ZN10ControlDef13getStoppedLWPEv+0x6b) [0x86bc7ad]
iidb(_ZN12AddrSpaceDef22getLatestStoppedThreadEv+0x41) [0x829d5b3]
iidb(_ZN12AddrSpaceDef23setThreadDebugInterfaceE15EGIThreadFlavorb+0xa6) [0x829727e]
iidb(_ZN12AddrSpaceDef10noteLoadedEPK6FileIdP7Program+0x5ce) [0x8298bfa]
iidb(_ZN10ProcessDef10noteExecedEPKc+0xa2) [0x8283e2a]
iidb(_ZN12ControlDefUx10noteExecedEv+0x24) [0x86ba2c0]
iidb(_ZN18ControlDefUxPtrace21startProcess_postExecEPK6FileId+0x156) [0x86beb26]
iidb(_ZN12ControlDefUx12startProcessEPKcRK7ArgListPK11EnvironmentS1_S1_S1_Ri+0x28f) [0x86b310f]
iidb(_ZN14ProcessFactory22createLocalLiveProcessEP3JobP7ArgListPcS4_S4_22IsOrIsNotADummyProcess+0x165) [0x828acf9]
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit---q
Could not start process for irun
No image loaded ... Recovering ...
(idb) q
[rudra@roddur ASR]$ iidb
Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.0, Build [1.1510.2.70]

(idb) q[/cpp]

so what is the way out?

0 Kudos
4 Replies

This is the log of my installation

Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation options
Activation requires a serial number and internet connection. It is a secure and
anonymous one-time process which verifies your software licensing rights to
enable use of the product.

You can also choose to install the software for evaluation purposes or activate
at a later time. The software will time out in 30 days.
1. Use existing license [default]
2. I want to activate and install my product
3. I want to evaluate my product or activate later
4. Advanced activation options - for installing if you do not have an internet
connection or want to install a counted license
5. View additional information about software activation

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:

Step no: 4 of 7 | Installation Type
Congratulations! Your software has been activated. Please continue the
installation by choosing Typical Install (using all default) or Custom Install
to change the default install options.
1. Typical Install (Recommended) [default]
2. Custom Install (For Advanced Users)

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:
Checking the prerequisites. It can take several minutes. Please wait...

Step no: 5 of 7 | Configuration summary
Select option "1" below to begin installing files based on the information you
provided. Use the "b" option to go back to the previous screen(s) if you need
to change any of the information below.
Activation Type:
Existing License File
Intel Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Linux*
Intel Fortran Compiler Professional for applications running on IA-32
Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32
Intel Math Kernel Library for applications running on IA-32
Install Mode:
1. Install [default]

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:

Step no: 6 of 7 | Installation
Each component will install individually. If you cancel the installation,
components that have been completely installed will remain on your system. This
installation may take several minutes, depending on your system and the options
you selected.
Installing, please wait...
Installing Intel Fortran Compiler Professional for applications running on
IA-32 component...
Intel Fortran Compiler Professional for applications running on IA-32
component installed successfully.
Installing Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32 component...
Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32 component installed
Installing Intel Math Kernel Library for applications running on IA-32
Intel Math Kernel Library for applications running on IA-32 component
installed successfully.
Press "Enter" key to continue

Step no: 7 of 7 | Installation complete
Thank you for installing and for using the
Intel Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Linux* version 11.0.

Your Subscription Service starts with your activation. Create your support
account now in order to access free product updates and upgrades. In addition
to product updates and upgrades, you will get access to interactive issue
management and communications, technical support, sample code, and
Support services start from the time you install or activate your product, so
please be sure to create your support account now in order to take full
advantage of your product purchase.

To create your support account, please visit the Subscription Services web site
h. Help
q. Quit [default]
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice :
[rudra@roddur l_cprof_p_11.0.069_ia32]$ cd
[rudra@roddur ~]$ sh /opt/intel/
cc/ Compiler/ fc/ idb/ itt/ licenses/
[rudra@roddur ~]$ sh /opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/069/
bin/ idb/ lib/ mkl/
Documentation/ include/ man/ Samples/
[rudra@roddur ~]$ sh /opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/069/bin/ia32/

and now it says no *.lic file present::

Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.0, Build [1.1510.2.66]

Error: A license for DbgL could not be obtained (-1,359,2).

Is your license file in the right location and readable?
The location of your license file should be specified via
the $INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.

License file(s) used were (in this order):
1. Trusted Storage
2. /opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/069/bin/ia32/*.lic

Please visit if you require technical assistance.

could not checkout FLEXlm license

this time i checked with 11/69 version but without any luck.....plz assist

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III
Quoting - roddur

Intel Debugger for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.0, Build [1.1510.2.66]

Error: A license for DbgL could not be obtained (-1,359,2).

The debugger requires us to get our licenses reissued on This has been discussed several times here on the forum; the message could have been improved if that was the intention.

0 Kudos
Quoting - tim18

The debugger requires us to get our licenses reissued on This has been discussed several times here on the forum; the message could have been improved if that was the intention.

but here i am in trouble. neither i found any "upgrade available" nor re-registering to get new lic solved my problem.

0 Kudos

I suggest using the "Live Chat" feature at the Intel Registration Center, or the form to submit a licensing question, to get help with this.

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