Intel® Fortran Compiler
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swapping in windows 10

Honored Contributor III

Although Visual Studio and other applications appeared to remain in working order after the (very time consuming) Windows Update installation of windows10 tech preview, none of my Intel software tools except Impi came up by themselves.  The culprit appeared to be multiple visible versions even though the latest had been installed with the choice to replace the previous. Impi also had 2 visible versions, but that didn't stop it from coming up. Un-installing everything possible and re-installing seemed to recover, but then I had to find  a working ifort.cfg elsewhere.

The current free start-button (with default options) seems necessary to have reasonable options.  I couldn't see even how to run Visual Studio otherwise.

I compared the working of Intel compilers with VS2012 pro and VS2013 free and didn't see much difference, although in CL compilations there are a few different missed optimizations in the two versions (on an early corei7 desktop).

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11 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You may want to post this on the Windows forum instead?

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Honored Contributor III

Yes, but as I have no privilege to fix it, I think I'll wait and see.

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Tim, I have done this upgrade myself (from W7) and didn't see any issues with VS or Intel Fortran. Can you explain in more detail what you're seeing?

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Honored Contributor III

When win10 came up, the parallel studio 2015xe from Start menu brought up a cmd window in which only MPI was available (no CL, ifort, icl....)   2015xe update 2 appeared to be able to run repair and modify, with long delays, but it didn't help.

Programs/Features menu showed all 3 versions of cluster studio 2015xe (and 2 of iMPI), although it was set up to run only the latest under win7.   After I removed them all and installed 2015xe update 2, all was well.  There is a broken reference to 2013xe; when I try the repair option, it wants VS2008 reinstalled, but the remove option fails (it was already that way in win7).

Start Menu X includes VS2010  2012 and  2013 (originally also 2005 and 2008, but I removed them as 2015xe doesn't use them). ifort and icl were able to integrate all 3 upon re-install.  I didn't find any way to enter VS other than via Start Menu X. 

CVF also is installed under XPM for win7 and appears in the win10 programs/features but I haven't tried to run it, and it doesn't appear in Start Menu X.

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Honored Contributor III

A concern I have with Windows 10 is Microsoft is transitioning to subscription service as opposed to license to use (forever), then pay for updates as you deem necessary. Do you have any comments on this?

Jim Dempsey

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I've seen some suggestions from pundits that this would happen but nothing concrete. 

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Honored Contributor III

If Microsoft will revoke existing licenses and not offer an affordable replacement, I will be converting more old machines to linux. 

I was just trying to run my Office applications which remained installed during the "upgrade."  Outlook refuses to connect to Microsoft server accounts, although the Mail tool of win10 inherited accounts from my newer win8.1 installation, requiring only that the password be entered.  Word 2003 required that I agree to re-register, painless, but apparently showing Microsoft exerting control over use of old licenses.

I have a 3-time non-expiring installation license to the newer home version of Office, which seemed a better deal than the subscription alternative, but I don't see where it has an advantage over the older full version of Office (where Outlook apparently has already been killed).

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Honored Contributor III

Another annoying issue, started with Windows 8 is MS is directing (forcing due to lack of information) you to have a log in account that is based in the cloud. Yes you can log in without connection provided you use the cloud account information you use on last log in. What this forced (snookered) me into is having the same login for my two notebooks. I want different user accounts, but one registration account for updates etc... If someone steals one, and password, they've got the access to the other. Google is doing the same crap on Android. I view this as a great security danger. One hacker getting into Google will (potentially) give them access/control over millions of devices.

Jim Dempsey

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You don't have to use the cloud account login, though MS does very firmly steer you in that direction.

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Honored Contributor III

Yes, but the initial screen does not have any indication otherwise.

This is tantamount of having an Opt-Out policy but no button or indicator as to how to opt out.

I know I can add an additional account with administrative privileges, but it is unclear as to side effects if I remove the original administrator account (e.g. authentication of Windows and MS Office will fail).

Jim Dempsey

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Honored Contributor III

Advisor fails due to foldèr permissions issues on win10. Vtune appears not to share this problem.  I guess I'll avoid reverting to win7 although I see Advisor as potentially useful on my next project.

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