Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

GPA at GDC 2011

Valued Contributor I

In case you haven't seen the announcement, I just wanted to let you know that we've just released version 4.0 of the Intel GPA product! We'll be showing 4.0 at GDC, so please stop by the Intel booth to say hello and see a demo of the new product features in action.

There's also a session at GDC that talks about how Maxis* used Intel GPA 4.0 in their development of Darkspore*, so you can see how real-world game developers have used the product to analyze and optimize their games. Here's a blog from one of the presenters talking about what he'll discuss at the session.

See you at GDC!


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