Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas
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Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzer 2021.2 Release is Out!


Hello All, 

The Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers team is proud to announce Intel® GPA 2021.2!

You can download Intel® GPA 2021.2 for FREE from the Intel® GPA homepage.

Watch the full release video here!

What’s new?

In Graphics Frame Analyzer we are excited about our new Render Target Dependency Viewer tool for Direct3D11 applications, where you can see the flow of calls organized by render pass, as well as explore dependencies between resources within a frame.

In Graphics Trace Analyzer

  • With highlighting and arrows you can now not only visualize the dependencies between Wait and Signal, we have added this same capability for Render and Present packets, in the GPU Queue, with their invocation calls in the CPU Threads;
  • Also, with our new track utilization indicators, you will immediately know how busy that thread or queue is, in your choice of percent or time.

And finally, in Intel® GPA Framework: We’ve improved the beta version multi-frame analysis for Direct3D11 as well as having improved support for D3D12 workloads. In addition, we’ve added Copy Queue support for Pipeline Statistics and Time Stamp QueryManager as well as having adding support for D3D11on12.

All Tools

  • Support for Intel® Iris® Xe MAX Graphics

Graphics Monitor

  • For security reasons, real-time overrides, such as Wireframe, have been removed. (However, you can still see wireframe in static analysis.)
  • Vulkan support on Ubuntu was discontinued due to low demand.

Graphics Frame Analyzer

  • Added Render Target Dependency Viewer tool for Direct3D* 11 applications. You can now build a scene graph and explore dependencies between resources within a frame in detail.
  • Enabled Direct3D* 12 Pipeline statistics metrics in Multi-Frame View. You can now see pipeline metrics right in the Stream Content pane, giving you more information when selecting a frame for detailed analysis.
  • Added support for applications with Direct3D 12 Render Passes  in Stream mode.
  • Added warning for opening Stream files captured on another GPU and/or with a different driver.
  • Improved quality of Direct3D 12 multi-frame Stream support.

Graphics Trace Analyzer

  • Added visualization for Render and Present queue packet relationship with CPU thread calls. You can now trace the origins of these packets by clicking on a Render or Present packet.
  • Enhanced track utilization indicators: they now show duration and percent of track activity for current zoom area.
  • Added Direct3D 12 Pipeline statistics metrics. You can now see pipeline metrics right on the Trace Content pane and correlate these metrics to frames in a trace.
  • Added support for OpenGL tracing on Windows (Tech Preview).

GPA Framework

  • Multi-frame analysis has been improved for Direct3D 11 (Beta Version).
  • Added Direct3D 12 Pipeline Statistics and Time Stamp QueryManager support for copy queues.
  • Added support for Direct3D11on12. The underlying Direct3D 12 calls are now collected for Direct3D11on12 commands and stored in a stream.
  • Improved support for Direct3D 12 workloads.
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