Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

IPP is a black box


I'd like to say that IPP is my favorite Intel library. I cant tell you how many times I've looked to IPP for answers.

That being said, IPP is kind of mysterious to me. Its such a large library of algorithms that it could take a lifetime to master. I've made an effort to learn the signal and image libraries, but I've only scratched the surface. Many of the algorithms assume advanced knowledge about the subject. I dont mind that. Its a library for advanced users, it pulls no punches and expects alot from its users. Thats fine.

What scares me is that I'm not sure how IPP development process works.

How do you deceide which functions to add?
Can users make contributions?
Is Intel commited to always supporting IPP?

Essentially, I would like to see more contributions or activity from its users. The users should have some say as to how the library progresses. Not sure how that would work exactly, but a better blog about IPP would be a start. This discussion board is a fine but more is needed.

Alot more examples are needed. This is where you could look to the user community to help out. Documentation is adequate, but alot more is needed. The users could help out here as well.

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1 Reply

Dear Customer,

Thanks for your feedbacks. We would love to hear your suggestions on improving our products, documentations, or new feature requests, etc. Here is the right place where you and other users can contribute ideas, suggestions, and share experience of IPP usage or report problems in IPP. We (Intel IPP team) also actively participate the discussions on forum with our users, provide timely solutions or fixes on defect reports, exchange ideas of IPP usages and tips, or take feature requests into consideration for possible feature enhancements in future product releases. We generally will also notify forum participants when fixes or new feature implementations become available in IPP releases/updates.

If you have any specific requirements on IPP product, please share them in details with us here in forum or participate our surveys when available.

Regard to the blog, we recently addressed Threading and Intel IPPthrough Intel Software Network blog and let us know if you have any thoughts on this.

Additionally, you can check other IPPresources listed in Useful Links at top of IPP forum page.

Hope it helps and thanks again for your interest in Intel IPP.

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