Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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Intel® IPP version 2020 Update 2 is now available

Intel® IPP version 2020 Update 2 is now available 

Intel® IPP 2020 is now available. Intel IPP 2020 packages are now ready for download. Intel IPP is available as part of the Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio. Please visit the Intel® IPP Product Page.

Please see What's new in Intel IPP 2020 and IPP 2020 Update 2 follow this link

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2 Replies

My question is related to the Intel IPP osx version 2020.2.

As we develop in all Windows/Linux/osX, we are using nuget to retrieve the intelipp packages. Although the version 2020.2 is already released in System Studio and as a standalone package, the nuget package is not yet available. Please see:

Is this issue known? Can we expect in the near future that the package will appear? Can you share an estimated release date for the nuget package or is osX support here discontinued?

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@Szijjarto could you write more how do you develop for Linux using IPP nuget package?
What I'm trying to achieve is:
- Visual Studio 2019 (Windows) as develop environment
- Projects targeting Linux platform. Use remote machine as a building system. Something that Visual Studio support out of the box.

I've added intel-ipp nuget packages to project, but it's not transferred to a remote (Linux) machine. And building ends with errors. So I installed separately intel-ipp package on it (apt-get). Right now can build my project with success. But thinking it this is a good aproach? intel-ipp on Linux takes 4.6GB disc space.  Nuget package takes only ~180MB.  What are your thoughts on that?

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