Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

LUT Function Question...

Hello everyone!

We're currently using IPP 4.1 on one of our projects, and it's been an overall plus in terms of overall performance and efficiency!

My question is in regards to the set of ippiLUT_X functions in the image processing library. What I'd like to do is apply an intensity transformation where each pixel of the image has it's own set of levels and values. I'm wondering if this is even possible?

I've done some experimenting and I can only get the the ippiLUT functions to work with a single set of levels and values applied to the entire image. Does anyone know if this is this just the "way it works", or if there a way to do this that I'm just missing through the documentation?

I would love to use the ippiLUT_Linear and ippiLUT_Cubic interpolation functions for my application, if I could just get the applied levels and values working like how I need it. Thanks!
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1 Reply
that is just the way it works = for ROI in an image
how can i imagine that the sets of vals and levels is defined for every (x,y)?
well, you can prepare a set of sets of vals & levels for the regions (ROIs) then call ippiLUT for every ROI. BTW, you can have one pixel as a ROI
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