Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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some errors for my 1st implementation for UIC

Hi Ying, Thank you for your reply. I start to do implementation JPEG encoder of UIC to my program.

linker: uic_core.lib uic_io.lib uic_jpeg.lib
copyrelated dll and lib files to my program folder.

In my program, I include:


I alsodeclared in my program:
JPEGEncoder jpegenc;

after build, I got error: error C2065: 'JPEGEncoder' : undeclared identifier

I saw JPEGEncoder class is defined in uic_jpeg_enc.h (UICAPI). Do you think what's problemcost that? Do I need to link to more Libs? thank you again and have a nice weekend

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1 Reply
Quoting - fanguts
Hi Ying, Thank you for your reply. I start to do implementation JPEG encoder of UIC to my program.

linker: uic_core.lib uic_io.lib uic_jpeg.lib
copyrelated dll and lib files to my program folder.

In my program, I include:


I alsodeclared in my program:
JPEGEncoder jpegenc;

after build, I got error: error C2065: 'JPEGEncoder' : undeclared identifier

I saw JPEGEncoder class is defined in uic_jpeg_enc.h (UICAPI). Do you think what's problemcost that? Do I need to link to more Libs? thank you again and have a nice weekend

ok, I fingured out and fixed this problem after using namespace UIC;
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