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umc_speech_rtp_codec on Linux


Hello Forum,

i have a problem with the MSRTA Codec. To explain: i tried to build the umc_speech_rtp_codec sample on Linux, because i want to use different functions in my own tool. I just use the sample application to test some functions and the build procedure. So i integrated the sample in my Linux environment and built a make file. The compiler works well but the linker gives me 7 errors like: "undefined reference to MSRTADejitterDelete" in the umc_rta_jbuffer.cpp. All errors are undefined references, and all are refer to the MSRTA Functions in the wmsprt.h. I included all needed ipp libraries like: libippsemerged, libippsmerged, libippscemerged, libippscmerged, libippsremerged, libippsrmerged, libippcore and the corresponding .so libs in the sharedlib folder. Also i set all needed system variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH and so on.

So far so good. Now my question. Is it generally possible to build this sample on Linux with all supported codecs? Or is there just a problem with the MSRTA on Linux? Wich Libraries i need exactly? Maybe i forgot one. What else could be the problem?

I use:

OpenSuse 10.3; Eclipse CDT 6, qmake 4.5 to generate a make file and the gcc 4.2.1 compiler

Thank you for your help, i'm happy about every hint.

regards Otto

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2 Replies

Hi Otto,

Are you using Windows IPP sample code at Linux system? MSRTA is only supported in Windows.

In Linux system, you need to use Linux speech codec sample code.



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Hi Chao,

thanks for your answer. Yes i want to use the Windows IPP sample code at a linux system because the umc_speech_rtp_codec sample is not available for Linux. At least i didn't find it in all downloads. So i tried to convert it (with using the vm_types_linux32.h and so on). Now i removed the MSRTA codec and can build the application. :-)

What do you mean with "use Linux speech codec sample code"? And is there a way to add the MSRTA codec also in Linux?



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