Intel® MPI Library
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Basic client-server question

I apologize for asking a basic question.
We are trying to run a client on a Linux node and a server on a Windows node.
The reference manual says:
To run a client-server application, use the following commands on the server host:
$ mpdboot -n 1
$ mpiexec -n 1 -genv I_MPI_FABRICS shm:dapl >
and use the following commands on the intended client hosts:
$ mpdboot -n 1
$ mpiexec -n 1 -genv I_MPI_FABRICS shm:dapl <
To run a client-server application, use the following commands on the server host:$ mpdboot -n 1$ mpiexec -n 1 -genv I_MPI_FABRICS shm:dapl > and use the following commands on the intended client hosts:$ mpdboot -n 1$ mpiexec -n 1 -genv I_MPI_FABRICS shm:dapl <
What is the meaning and the format of port_name?
How does one specify the input string toMPI_Comm_connect?
(its format seems to be differenton these two platforms).
The windows manual specifies tcp and the linux manual specifies dapl fabrics.
What do these arguments mean and are they necessary?
it would be most helpful to have a small concrete example with all the command line
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3 Replies
Hi Ed,

Unfortunately, the Intel MPI Library currently does not support jobs that span Windows* and Linux* together.

To use a client/server type program, you will need to use MPI_Open_port to create a port in the server program, get the name of the port to the client program in whatever manner you prefer, use MPI_Comm_accept in the server to wait for the connection, and MPI_Comm_connect in the client to make the connection. I will put together a simple example to illustrate this and post it as soon as possible.

As far as the fabric, the two will need to be using the same fabric, and you can select the fabric based on the best performing fabric available for your system. Infiniband* fabrics are available for Windows* systems and tcp fabrics can be used on Linux* systems.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel Cluster Tools
0 Kudos
Hi Ed,

Please see for information and a simple example of how to set up a server/client program using the Intel MPI Library.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel Cluster Tools
0 Kudos

Hello every body,

I want to develop a low cost system to monitoring buildings. I am using acelerometers conected to arduino boards linked to a local network, the boards are several and are in server mode, to perform the adquisition I need TCP clients at the same tieme for all servers, and I would like to do with a program based in fortran rather than labview becouse I need to do after adquisition structural analysis and I have the almost all code made in fortran language for structural analisys (data analysis in time is mising). I would like to know if compilers of Intel® Parallel Studio XEcould (cluster edition) could help me. Or please give me a recomendation.

Thanks in advance 


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