Intel® MPI Library
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Inter ifort.exe could not link impimt.lib


Hi, James,

I am trying to use a makefile to generate a hybrid MPI/OpenMP application imex.exe. But I failed to do it and please see the following linking results:

U:\\imex\\bin\\opt64_hybridMPIOpenMP>clearmake -k -V imex.exe

        insert_string.exe -d -v  -c  -f \\imex\\imex.lib\\simver.f > simver.f

        ifort.exe /Qauto /cm /nologo /w /MT  /Qfpp  /DIFL_IA32 /DWIN_X64 /Qopenmp -c simver.f

        dir imex.exe > imex.exe &&  del /f imex.exe &&  ifort.exe /Qauto /cm /nologo /w /MT  /Qopenmp /4Yportlib *.obj mkl_intel_lp64.lib mkl_intel_thread.lib mkl_core.lib Wsock32.lib User32.lib shell
32.lib Advapi32.lib Gdi32.lib    libsecure.lib rlmclient.lib  binarrayfile.lib   /link /LARGEADDRESSAWARE /incremental:no /STACK:4000000 /out:imex.exe &&  mt.exe -manifest ReqExecLevelInvoker.manifest
 -outputresource:imex.exe;1 &&  echo 'Done.'
   Creating library imex.lib and object imex.exp
imex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol MPI_INIT_THREAD referenced in function TMLOOP
imex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol MPI_COMM_RANK referenced in function TMLOOP
imex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol MPI_COMM_SIZE referenced in function TMLOOP
imex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol MPI_FINALIZE referenced in function TMLOOP
imex.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals
*** Error code 1120
clearmake: Error: Build script failed for "imex.exe"

by the way, please see the envoirment variable settings attached below.  I guess I have set  intel MPI include and library ready.

Could you tell me how this happened? Thanks indeed in advance. 


/********** Envorimental variable settings on my computer ***********/
BIN_ROOT=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\bin\\
BUNDLE_NAME=Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2011 Update 1
CCP_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack\\
CMG_HOME=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CMG
CommonProgramFiles=C:\\Program Files\\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\\Program Files\\Common Files
CPRO_PATH=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011
C_EM64T_REDIST12=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\
C_IA32_REDIST12=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\
FSHARPINSTALLDIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft F#\\v4.0\\
F_EM64T_REDIST12=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\
F_IA32_REDIST12=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\
ICPP_COMPILER12=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\
IFORT_COMPILER12=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\
IMPI_BIN=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\\\em64t\\bin;
INCLUDE=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\compiler\\include;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\compiler\\include\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\include;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\ipp\\include;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\mkl\\include;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\tbb\\bin\\..\\include;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\DF98\\IMSL\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\DF98\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\include;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\include;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\em64t\\include;C:\\Program Files\\MPICH2\\include
INSPECTOR_XE_2011_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Inspector XE 2011\\
INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Licenses
IPPROOT=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\ipp
I_MPI_ROOT=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\
LIB=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\compiler\\lib;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\compiler\\lib\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\lib\\x64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\ipp\\lib\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\ipp\\..\\compiler\\lib\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\mkl\\lib\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\compiler\\lib\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\tbb\\bin\\..\\lib\\intel64\\vc10;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\DF98\\IMSL\\LIB;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\DF98\\LIB;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\LIB;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\lib\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\em64t\\lib;C:\\Program Files\\MPICH2\\lib
LIBMPI=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\em64t\\lib
LIBPATH=C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v3.5;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\LIB\\amd64;
LINK_F90=imsl.lib imsls_err.lib imslmpistub.lib impimt.lib
MKLROOT=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\mkl
MPICHHOME=C:\\Program Files\\MPICH2
MSVS_VAR_SCRIPT="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\Common7\\Tools\\..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat"
Path=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\\\em64t\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\bin\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\redist\\intel64\\compiler;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\BIN\\amd64;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v3.5;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\VCPackages;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\Common7\\IDE;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\Common7\\Tools;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HTML Help Workshop;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\bin\\NETFX 4.0 Tools\\x64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\bin\\x64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\ipp\\..\\redist\\intel64\\ipp;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\ipp\\..\\redist\\intel64\\compiler;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\redist\\intel64\\mkl;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\redist\\intel64\\compiler;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\tbb\\bin\\..\\..\\redist\\intel64\\tbb\\vc10;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\em64t\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\MPI\\\\ia32\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CMG\\LAUNCHER\\2011.20\\Win32\\exe;C:\\Program Files\\MPICH2\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\redist\\ia32\\tbb\\vc10;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\redist\\intel64\\tbb\\vc10;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\redist\\intel64\\ipp;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\redist\\ia32\\ipp;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\redist\\intel64\\mkl;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Composer XE 2011 SP1\\redist\\ia32\\mkl;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\redist\\intel64\\mpirt;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\redist\\intel64\\compiler;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\redist\\ia32\\mpirt;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\redist\\ia32\\compiler;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\redist\\intel64\\compiler;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Intel\\Shared Libraries\\redist\\ia32\\compiler; C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CMG\\LAUNCHER\\2011.01\\Win32\\exe;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CMG\\LAUNCHER\\2009.13\\Win32\\exe;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\90\\Tools\\binn\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\ClearCase\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\common;c:\\program files (x86)\\winxs32\\bin;c:\\pfe;c:\\windiff;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Roxio Shared\\DLLShared\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Roxio Shared\\10.0\\DLLShared\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack\\Bin\\;D:\\tools;D:\\tools\\dist;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Compiler\\11.1\\051\\bin\\intel64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\redist\\intel64\\mpirt;
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
PRODUCT_NAME=Intel® Composer XE 2011
PRODUCT_NAME_FULL=Intel® Composer XE 2011 Update 3 (package 175)
ProgramFiles=C:\\Program Files
ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\\Program Files (x86)
ProgramW6432=C:\\Program Files
RATIONAL_ICU4J_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\RationalSDLC\\common\\java\\icu
REDIST=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\redist
ROOT=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011
RoxioCentral=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Roxio Shared\\10.0\\Roxio Central36\\
TBB30_BIN_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\tbb\\bin\\
TBB30_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\tbb\\bin\\..
VCINSTALLDIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\
VNI_F90_MSG=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\DF98\\IMSL\\MESSAGE
VS100COMNTOOLS=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\Common7\\Tools\\
VSINSTALLDIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\
VTUNE_AMPLIFIER_XE_2011_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\VTune Amplifier XE 2011\\
WindowsSdkDir=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\
WIN_TITLE=Intel® Composer XE 2011 Intel® 64 Visual Studio 2010
WIN_TITLE_VS=Visual Studio 2010


0 Kudos
16 Replies
Hi Dingjun,

Please try adding impimt.lib to your link line.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos

Hi again, James,

I have tried to do it and failed. I have attached below my makefile. Could you see it and tell me where to add it?

Thanks indeed.


0 Kudos
Hi Dingjun,

The file did not attach, please try again.  Or if you want to email it directly to me, that will work as well.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | | # | UNIX MAKEFILE for IMEX | # | ---------------------- | # | | # | Usage: | # | | # | clearmake | # | make an imex executable: imex.exe | # | | # | clearmake imex.exe | # | make an imex executable: imex.exe | # | | # | clearmake fgmx.dll | # | make an FORMEX dll (see note 1): fgmx.dll | # | | # | clearmake mxsrc.split | # | make IMEX split source code | # | | # | clearmake imex.src | # | make IMEX secure source code (see note 5) | # | | # | clearmake fgmxsrc.split | # | make PC FORMEX IMEX split source code | # | | # | clearmake fx.src | # | copy PC FORMEX IMEX split source code | # | | # | Notes: | # | | # | Note 1: to make FGMX.DLL: in Makefile.options uncomment | # | imex.o := SED_PROCESSOR = 's/^c.fg//;s/^ program imex//' | # | There are some other Makefile.options changes - see Makefile_pc_fmo.options | # | for optimized code and Makefile_pc-fmd.options for debug code. | # | | # | Note 2: Do not delete source code files that are generated by a build rule | # | (e.g., 'imex2_aloc.f' for target ''). | # | Unlike MAKE, CLEARMAKE checks for the existence of these intermediate | # | files. It is also good to have them for debugging purposes. | # | Note 3: When using CLEARMAKE, put the element-dependent compile options | # | in the file 'Makefile.options'. | # | Note 4: The macro SED_PROCESSOR is the 'sed' command to enable | # | platform-specific code, etc. It is set to null by default, | # | but should be assigned for the required element | # | in 'Makefile.options'. | # | Note 5: The target imex.src for UNIX platforms builds a secure source in a non-vob | # | directory. A build of imex.exe in /imex/bin must be done first. | # | For pc target platform, imex.src builds a source build (non-secure) in a | # | non-vob directory, including dll's and lib's. These files may be copied | # | to the pc, compiled and then copied back along with the .o's. The following | # | source files must then be deleted: | # | aimptr.f avmult.f forbkv.f genluv.f jdump.f minvsq.f order.f prepro.f | # | presym.f pstpro.f scalp.f solver.f symfcv.f mxslvr.f mxslvr_aloc.f | # | mxslvr1_aloc.f callap.f callls.f callsc.f callsl.f simver.f mxprsl_mod.f | # | | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This version for the hybrid MPI/OpenMP #-- Over-all Defaults FC = f90 FFLAGS = CFLAGS = LIBS = UXKEY = SED_PROCESSOR = PLATFORM = D = \ O = obj COPY = cp -f COPY_PREPRO = cp -f PREPRO = fpp /P DELETE = rm -f CAT = cat CHDIR = cd SED = /bin/sed MOVE = mv LINK_OUT = -o $(N) XDR_TYPE = ux EOC = ; SECURE_INC = OPENMP_DLL = LSDIR = dir REDIR = VIEW = D2U = MISSING_IMPORTS = impimt.lib LICENSE_LIB = libsecure.a REPR_LIB = librlm.a BLD_HOST_TYPE = win32 BINREADER_LIB = libbinarrayfile.a BINREADER_DLL = binarrayfile.dll MANIFEST = mt.exe ReqExecLevelInvoker.manifest MANIFEST_EXEC= mt.exe -manifest ReqExecLevelInvoker.manifest -outputresource:imex.exe;1 COMPVER_SRC= compver.f XDRMOD_SRC = xdrint_mod.f XDRMOD = $(XDRMOD_SRC:.f=.$(O)) PC_XDR_LIB =impimt.lib # setup large ints to be 4 or 8 bytes LARGE_INT_MOD_SRC = large_int4_mod.f # f90 style allocate's ALOC = $(@:_mod.f=_aloc.f) F90_DEPENDENCY = $(F90_MOD_OBJS) # --------------------------------------------- # | | # | L I B R A R Y M A C R O S | # | | # --------------------------------------------- #-- IMEX Library # ------------- IMEX_BIN = $(VIEW)$(D)imex$(D)bin$(D) #-- Dependencies Library # -------------------- MAKE_OPTS = $(MAKEFILE).options IMEX_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)imex$(D)imex.lib$(D) IMEX_OBJS = \ imex.$(O) \ allcat.$(O) \ asignv.$(O) \ dynamx.$(O) \ dygrck.$(O) \ dbgpar.$(O) \ aqcal.$(O) \ anmist.$(O) \ begin.$(O) \ bryflw.$(O) \ callap.$(O) \ calljb.$(O) \ calllp.$(O) \ callls.$(O) \ callsc.$(O) \ callsl.$(O) \ callst.$(O) \ callwm.$(O) \ call_eqtpar.$(O) \ chkcmx.$(O) \ cldate.$(O) \ clday.$(O) \ compak.$(O) \ conv.$(O) \ cubeq.$(O) \ cvgptv.$(O) \ datini.$(O) \ datum.$(O) \ dbrent.$(O) \ denogs.$(O) \ dicrak.$(O) \ diform.$(O) \ diltab.$(O) \ dmndmx.$(O) \ dnpntr.$(O) \ dpdzwb.$(O) \ dvzcal.$(O) \ dwlayr.$(O) \ endmci.$(O) \ endpts.$(O) \ eqnmfc.$(O) \ eqnsa.$(O) \ eqnsav.$(O) \ eqnsfv.$(O) \ expiry.$(O) \ ffrict.$(O) \ fluxsct.$(O) \ flxscout.$(O) \ fluxsfm.$(O) \ frcmoody.$(O) \ genbis.$(O) \ grgetsim.$(O) \ hystst.$(O) \ incomp.$(O) \ indasr.$(O) \ indata.$(O) \ indatm.$(O) \ indbug.$(O) \ indt.$(O) \ indynm.$(O) \ inendpt_recur.$(O) \ ineqil.$(O) \ infohd.$(O) \ inhert_gm.$(O) \ iniblks.$(O) \ inini1.$(O) \ inini2.$(O) \ ininit.$(O) \ inio.$(O) \ iniord.$(O) \ innum.$(O) \ inrel.$(O) \ inres.$(O) \ inres_fsct.$(O) \ intplt.$(O) \ intwrt.$(O) \ inwell.$(O) \ inwint.$(O) \ jbuild.$(O) \ jst.$(O) \ krochk.$(O) \ krolup.$(O) \ lay1mx.$(O) \ lescal.$(O) \ lessr2.$(O) \ levstr.$(O) \ linint.$(O) \ lstpar.$(O) \ lstpro.$(O) \ matbal.$(O) \ matinv.$(O) \ maxchg.$(O) \ mcinit.$(O) \ mnbrak.$(O) \ multi1.$(O) \ md2sur.$(O) \ mxasin.$(O) \ mxcent.$(O) \ mxcspf.$(O) \ mxdmnew.$(O) \ mxeos.$(O) \ mxgetf.$(O) \ mxinit.$(O) \ mxitfg.$(O) \ mxptos.$(O) \ mxrops.$(O) \ mxsetf.$(O) \ mxsrwg.$(O) \ mxwskp.$(O) \ ndarcy.$(O) \ nondarcy.$(O) \ opprnt.$(O) \ outin.$(O) \ outv.$(O) \ outflux.$(O) \ pcmnmx.$(O) \ phswch.$(O) \ plawln.$(O) \ plawrg.$(O) \ plchi.$(O) \ pldchi.$(O) \ pormci.$(O) \ porcrb.$(O) \ portab.$(O) \ poten.$(O) \ power.$(O) \ prkrpc.$(O) \ prnbgn.$(O) \ propc.$(O) \ propi.$(O) \ proppc.$(O) \ propsn.$(O) \ propsp.$(O) \ propwb.$(O) \ prpsat.$(O) \ psdobb.$(O) \ psdocm.$(O) \ psdoi.$(O) \ psdosb.$(O) \ psfcal.$(O) \ pthresh.$(O) \ pvtchk.$(O) \ qquit.$(O) \ rdprn.$(O) \ regm2.$(O) \ relpmc.$(O) \ resid.$(O) \ resolve_cons.$(O) \ resolve_ipr.$(O) \ resolve_link.$(O) \ resolve_op.$(O) \ restrd.$(O) \ restwt.$(O) \ rk4wb.$(O) \ rk4mom.$(O) \ rkintdf.$(O) \ rkintmo.$(O) \ rkintw.$(O) \ rkqcwb.$(O) \ rkqmom.$(O) \ rhows.$(O) \ rstrcn.$(O) \ rstrdd.$(O) \ rstrdw.$(O) \ rstsec.$(O) \ satlrt.$(O) \ satrbl.$(O) \ save.$(O) \ savejb.$(O) \ sbasin.$(O) \ sctcal.$(O) \ secout.$(O) \ secsr2.$(O) \ secwel.$(O) \ setpfc.$(O) \ setprf.$(O) \ settbp.$(O) \ setupv.$(O) \ shif.$(O) \ simdim.$(O) \ sltsmo.$(O) \ slvint.$(O) \ solpas.$(O) \ sorland.$(O) \ spcchr.$(O) \ spcsrf.$(O) \ spline.$(O) \ splinl.$(O) \ splint.$(O) \ splinw.$(O) \ srfint.$(O) \ srfout.$(O) \ srgrid.$(O) \ stab.$(O) \ strat.$(O) \ strsr2.$(O) \ swtsmo.$(O) \ sur2md.$(O) \ tabsat.$(O) \ tblint.$(O) \ tblchk.$(O) \ thswch.$(O) \ timsum.$(O) \ totpi.$(O) \ trap.$(O) \ trmcrb.$(O) \ tsbomb.$(O) \ tsconv.$(O) \ tshead.$(O) \ tsio.$(O) \ tswcnv.$(O) \ tswell.$(O) \ tswlap.$(O) \ unitcn.$(O) \ upkcyc.$(O) \ validk.$(O) \ varass.$(O) \ velcty.$(O) \ vrec.$(O) \ watrvs.$(O) \ wbcomp.$(O) \ wecho.$(O) \ welbr1.$(O) \ welbr2.$(O) \ welbr3.$(O) \ welbr4.$(O) \ welbr5.$(O) \ welbr7.$(O) \ welbrn.$(O) \ welcum.$(O) \ welhed.$(O) \ well.$(O) \ wellcs.$(O) \ welmom.$(O) \ welout.$(O) \ welpis.$(O) \ welscl.$(O) \ welsrf.$(O) \ whpcal.$(O) \ wlmpas.$(O) \ wlrate.$(O) \ wpinit.$(O) \ wpnter.$(O) \ wdpntr.$(O) \ wscout.$(O) \ xfcalc.$(O) #-- AIMSOL Library # -------------- AIMSOL_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)aimsol$(D)aimsol.lib$(D) AIMSOL_OBJS = \ aimptp.$(O) \ aimptr.$(O) \ avmulp.$(O) \ avmult.$(O) \ eqtpar.$(O) \ forbkp.$(O) \ forbkv.$(O) \ genlup.$(O) \ genluv.$(O) \ gmresp.$(O) \ jdump.$(O) \ mindeg.$(O) \ minsqp.$(O) \ minvsq.$(O) \ order.$(O) \ orderp.$(O) \ parasol.$(O) \ prepro.$(O) \ preprp.$(O) \ presym.$(O) \ presyp.$(O) \ pstpro.$(O) \ pstprp.$(O) \ rdsord.$(O) \ scalp.$(O) \ scalpp.$(O) \ solver.$(O) \ symfcp.$(O) \ symfcv.$(O) #-- GRID Library # -------------- GRID_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)grid.lib$(D) GRID_OBJS = \ grappk.$(O) \ graqui.$(O) \ grcell.$(O) \ grcnc1.$(O) \ grcnc2.$(O) \ grcnc4.$(O) \ grcnc5.$(O) \ grcnc6.$(O) \ grcnc7.$(O) \ grcnc8.$(O) \ grsrcd.$(O) \ grcnc8nb.$(O) \ grcorn2nd.$(O) \ grcncb.$(O) \ grcnct.$(O) \ grwritecn.$(O) \ gradrg.$(O) \ grcncx.$(O) \ grcncw.$(O) \ grcnmp.$(O) \ grcnnp.$(O) \ grcorn.$(O) \ grdbas.$(O) \ grdbug.$(O) \ grdbst.$(O) \ grinit.$(O) \ grlast.$(O) \ grload.$(O) \ grmai1.$(O) \ grmain.$(O) \ grmess.$(O) \ grnhrt.$(O) \ grpdgd.$(O) \ grpkpt.$(O) \ grmkpt.$(O) \ grptcs.$(O) \ grrgtl.$(O) \ grrdap.$(O) \ grrdar.$(O) \ grrdcp.$(O) \ grrdg2.$(O) \ grrdg3.$(O) \ grrdg4.$(O) \ grrdg5.$(O) \ grrdg6.$(O) \ gramal.$(O) \ grptwtsr.$(O) \ grrdgr.$(O) \ grrdpa.$(O) \ grrdrg.$(O) \ grread.$(O) \ grresr.$(O) \ grrev1.$(O) \ grrev2.$(O) \ grrevu.$(O) \ grscan.$(O) \ grspec.$(O) \ grspt1.$(O) \ grspt2.$(O) \ grspt3.$(O) \ grspt4.$(O) \ grspt5.$(O) \ grspt6.$(O) \ grspt5nb.$(O) \ grspt6nb.$(O) \ grsptl.$(O) \ grtrnf.$(O) \ grunit.$(O) \ grutil.$(O) \ grvar1.$(O) \ grvar2.$(O) \ grvarm.$(O) \ igrlnk.$(O) # grife1.$(O) \ # grife2.$(O) \ #-- MXGM Library # ------------ MXGM_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)mxgm.lib$(D) MXGM_OBJS = \ blksat.$(O) \ condpt.$(O) \ dtbinp.$(O) \ dwodgo.$(O) \ gasden.$(O) \ kro3p.$(O) \ mcdeps.$(O) \ mcdpfn.$(O) \ mcdpit.$(O) \ mcsort.$(O) \ mdqcin.$(O) \ oilden.$(O) \ pcgwoc.$(O) \ rk4in.$(O) \ rk4in2.$(O) \ rk4st2.$(O) \ rk4stp.$(O) \ rkqci2.$(O) \ rkqcin.$(O) \ rmbgin.$(O) \ satsmc.$(O) \ tbintg.$(O) \ watden.$(O) \ welprm.$(O) #-- PARASOL Library # --------------- PARASOL_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)aimsol$(D)parasol.lib$(D) PARASOL_OBJS = \ pschbd.$(O) \ psgnbs.$(O) \ pslvds.$(O) \ pslvst.$(O) \ pspldn.$(O) \ psreor.$(O) \ psrtls.$(O) \ psslds.$(O) \ ps2dds.$(O) \ ps2dds_regular.$(O) \ ps2dds_general.$(O) \ ps2dds_actpls.$(O) \ ps2dds_wrkbalance.$(O) \ ps2dds_auxil.$(O) \ psspa2.$(O) \ psspg1.$(O) \ psvrtx.$(O) #-- POINTER Library # --------------- POINTER_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)pointer.lib$(D) POINTER_OBJS = \ acopy.$(O) \ aucopy.$(O) \ cginit.$(O) \ cstfun.$(O) \ cstijk.$(O) \ cstuba.$(O) \ dpnter.$(O) \ ijktps.$(O) \ inuba.$(O) \ ipftpm.$(O) \ ipmtpf.$(O) \ prtbln.$(O) \ prtcon.$(O) \ prtset.$(O) \ pstsv.$(O) \ ptasin.$(O) \ ptcsva.$(O) \ ptprn.$(O) \ ptwtsr.$(O) \ ubatcs.$(O) #-- REPORT Library # --------------- REPORT_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)report.lib$(D) REPORT_OBJS = \ rpfmln.$(O) rppmul.$(O) rptabl.$(O) #-- SR2 Library # ----------- SR2_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)sr2.lib$(D) SR2_OBJS = \ sratcp.$(O) \ srclos.$(O) \ srcpin.$(O) \ srdict.$(O) \ srfrwd.$(O) \ srgeta.$(O) \ srinit.$(O) \ srnckl.$(O) \ srprec.$(O) \ srrdea.$(O) \ srrdin.$(O) \ srrdt2.$(O) \ srrdt2c.$(O) \ srrdt3.$(O) \ srrdt4.$(O) \ srrdt5.$(O) \ srrdtm.$(O) \ srrkls.$(O) \ srscan.$(O) \ srsclr.$(O) \ srscrr.$(O) \ srscxd.$(O) \ srseta.$(O) \ srskip.$(O) \ srskt2.$(O) \ srvrat.$(O) \ srwkls.$(O) \ srwkni.$(O) \ srwpar.$(O) \ srwpt2.$(O) \ srwret.$(O) \ srwrfn.$(O) \ srwrt1.$(O) \ srwrt2.$(O) \ srwrt2c.$(O) \ srwrt3.$(O) \ srwrt4.$(O) \ srwrt5.$(O) \ srwrt6.$(O) \ srwrtm.$(O) SR2_C_OBJS = xdrint.$(O) #-- TOOLS Library # ------------- TOOLS_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)tools.lib$(D) TOOLS_OBJS = \ aiqual.$(O) \ cdatim.$(O) \ chtoin.$(O) \ chtoup.$(O) \ cmg_sleep.$(O) \ cmgtar.$(O) \ cpack.$(O) \ datime.$(O) \ date_to_days.$(O) \ dbtoch.$(O) \ exxit.$(O) \ getcpu.$(O) \ getdpr.$(O) \ getclk.$(O) \ gethost.$(O) \ getlen.$(O) \ getwrd.$(O) \ header.$(O) \ hepsrt.$(O) \ ihpsrt.$(O) \ inaray.$(O) \ inuary.$(O) \ infile.$(O) \ in8toch.$(O) \ inltoch.$(O) \ intabl.$(O) \ intoch.$(O) \ kyobls.$(O) \ kyskip.$(O) \ kwget.$(O) \ kwset.$(O) \ lnb.$(O) \ messag.$(O) \ parse.$(O) \ procstat.$(O) \ rcaray.$(O) \ rcdpr.$(O) \ rdaray.$(O) \ rdline.$(O) \ retoch.$(O) \ rltoch.$(O) \ setio.$(O) \ setio5.$(O) \ sigcl1.$(O) \ sigft1.$(O) \ siggst.$(O) \ str_delim.$(O) \ string.$(O) \ tearwd.$(O) \ wsallc.$(O) \ wscall.$(O) \ wschck.$(O) \ wsfree.$(O) \ wsinit.$(O) \ wsprnt.$(O) TOOLS_C_OBJS = #-- WELMAN Library # -------------- WELMAN_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)welman.lib$(D) WELMAN_OBJS = \ wmalin.$(O) \ wmbdin.$(O) \ wmbrwi.$(O) \ wmbwit.$(O) \ wmcent.$(O) \ wmcgin.$(O) \ wmcknm.$(O) \ wmclin.$(O) \ wmcmpi.$(O) \ wmcmpp.$(O) \ wmcmsg.$(O) \ wmcnvt.$(O) \ wmcsin.$(O) \ wmcsvi.$(O) \ wmcwsi.$(O) \ wmcwst.$(O) \ wmdvin.$(O) \ wmdwsm.$(O) \ wmfmiw.$(O) \ wmfmpw.$(O) \ wmfwin.$(O) \ wmgcci.$(O) \ wmgccp.$(O) \ wmgccv.$(O) \ wmgcin.$(O) \ wmgdri.$(O) \ wmgdrp.$(O) \ wmget.$(O) \ wmgetf.$(O) \ wmgetll.$(O) \ wmghyd.$(O) \ wmghyi.$(O) \ wmgimr.$(O) \ wmglin.$(O) \ wmglls.$(O) \ wmgpmr.$(O) \ wmgrai.$(O) \ wmgrap.$(O) \ wmgrcn.$(O) \ wmgrin.$(O) \ wmgrls.$(O) \ wmgydi.$(O) \ wmgydr.$(O) \ wmgyfi.$(O) \ wmgyfs.$(O) \ wmhfpin.$(O) \ wmhydi.$(O) \ wmhydr.$(O) \ wmhyfs.$(O) \ wmhymd.$(O) \ wmhysi.$(O) \ wmichc.$(O) \ wmigai.$(O) \ wmigap.$(O) \ wmilst.$(O) \ wmimap.$(O) \ wminit.$(O) \ wminmr.$(O) \ wminsr.$(O) \ wminje.$(O) \ wminpt.$(O) \ wmipai.$(O) \ wmipap.$(O) \ wmisin.$(O) \ wmisum.$(O) \ wmitin.$(O) \ wmitlu.$(O) \ wmlbin.$(O) \ wmlcin.$(O) \ wmlgci.$(O) \ wmlgcp.$(O) \ wmlgin.$(O) \ wmlifd.$(O) \ wmlift.$(O) \ wmllin.$(O) \ wmllrc.$(O) \ wmlmpsetlysm.$(O) \ wmlyid.$(O) \ wmlynm.$(O) \ wmlopd.$(O) \ wmlypr.$(O) \ wmlimc.$(O) \ wmlioc.$(O) \ wmlpmc.$(O) \ wmlpoc.$(O) \ wmlsin.$(O) \ wmlsrt.$(O) \ wmlyad.$(O) \ wmlyif.$(O) \ wmlypn.$(O) \ wmmain.$(O) \ wmmani.$(O) \ wmmanp.$(O) \ wmmcni.$(O) \ wmmcon.$(O) \ wmmimr.$(O) \ wmmirt.$(O) \ wmmirz.$(O) \ wmmisi.$(O) \ wmmnti.$(O) \ wmmpmr.$(O) \ wmmprt.$(O) \ wmmprz.$(O) \ wmmpsi.$(O) \ wmmsnt.$(O) \ wmmssm.$(O) \ wmmtri.$(O) \ wmmtrt.$(O) \ wmmwpr.$(O) \ wmmxit.$(O) \ wmmxth.$(O) \ wmncch.$(O) \ wmncci.$(O) \ wmndpn.$(O) \ wmndti.$(O) \ wmocni.$(O) \ wmocon.$(O) \ wmopnl.$(O) \ wmopnw.$(O) \ wmotin.$(O) \ wmowwi.$(O) \ wmowwp.$(O) \ wmpchc.$(O) \ wmpiin.$(O) \ wmplri.$(O) \ wmplrt.$(O) \ wmplst.$(O) \ wmprin.$(O) \ wmprmr.$(O) \ wmprn1.$(O) \ wmprn3.$(O) \ wmprn4.$(O) \ wmprnt.$(O) \ wmprod.$(O) \ wmpsum.$(O) \ wmptin.$(O) \ wmptlu.$(O) \ wmpwwo.$(O) \ wmqimx.$(O) \ wmqpmx.$(O) \ wmrcal.$(O) \ wmrcit.$(O) \ wmrcyc.$(O) \ wmrgin.$(O) \ wmrkai.$(O) \ wmrkap.$(O) \ wmrlin.$(O) \ wmrllr.$(O) \ wmrlnl.$(O) \ wmropn.$(O) \ wmrsrd.$(O) \ wmrswt.$(O) \ wmrtgi.$(O) \ wmrtgp.$(O) \ wmrtzo.$(O) \ wmrzth.$(O) \ wmrzoi.$(O) \ wmscan.$(O) \ wmscin.$(O) \ wmscpm.$(O) \ wmset.$(O) \ wmsetf.$(O) \ wmsr2h.$(O) \ wmsr2m.$(O) \ wmsrln.$(O) \ wmtrch.$(O) \ wmtrin.$(O) \ wmtrst.$(O) \ wmtrte.$(O) \ wmtrwt.$(O) \ wmupcm.$(O) \ wmvldk.$(O) \ wmvpin.$(O) \ wmwain.$(O) \ wmwbhp.$(O) \ wmwfri.$(O) \ wmwfrg.$(O) \ wmwfrp.$(O) \ wmwgfp.$(O) \ wmwhin.$(O) \ wmwhsm.$(O) \ wmwhyd.$(O) \ wmwlin.$(O) \ wmwlls.$(O) \ wmwlpn.$(O) \ wmwlsr.$(O) \ wmwlwt.$(O) \ wmwtin.$(O) #-- BINARRAY Library # ---------------- BINARRAY_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)binarrayfile.lib IMPI_LIB = C:$(D)Program Files (x86)$(D)Intel$(D)MPI$(D)$(D)em64t$(D)lib$(D)impimt.lib #-- CMG License Library # ------------------- CMGSECURE_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)secure.lib$(D)cmgsecure$(D) #-- Reprise License Library # ----------------------- REPRISELM_LIB = $(VIEW)$(D)shared$(D)secure.lib$(D)repriselm$(D) #-- Binary Pool # ----------- BINARY_POOL = $(VIEW)$(D)imex$(D)binary_pool$(D) BINARY_OBJS = $(IMEX_OBJS) simver.$(O) compver.$(O) \ $(F90_ALOC_OBJS) \ $(AIMSOL_OBJS) \ $(GRID_OBJS) \ $(MXGM_OBJS) \ $(PARASOL_OBJS) \ $(POINTER_OBJS) \ $(REPORT_OBJS) \ $(SR2_OBJS) \ $(SR2_C_OBJS) \ $(TOOLS_OBJS) \ $(TOOLS_C_OBJS) \ $(WELMAN_OBJS) BINARY_OBJS_LNK = $(BINARY_OBJS) BINARY_MX_OBJS = $(BINARY_OBJS) BINARY_MX_OBJS_LNK = $(BINARY_MX_OBJS) F90_DEPENDENCY_LNK = $(F90_DEPENDENCY) IMEX_INCS = TOOLS_INCS = F90_INCS = IMEX_MOD_SRC = \ imex1_mod.f \ imex2_mod.f \ imex3_mod.f \ mxgr01_mod.f \ mxinit_mod.f \ mxslvr1_mod.f \ mxslvr_mod.f \ mxprsl_mod.f \ mxwell_mod.f \ params_mod.f \ sector_mod.f IMEX_ALOC_SRC = $(IMEX_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_aloc.f) AIMSOL_MOD_SRC = aimint_mod.f aimloc_mod.f eqtpar_mod.f AIMSOL_ALOC_SRC = eqtpar_aloc.f GRID_MOD_SRC = grmod0_mod.f grmod1_mod.f grmod2_mod.f grife1_mod.f grife2_mod.f GRID_ALOC_SRC = grmod0_aloc.f grmod1_aloc.f grmod2_aloc.f GRID_ALOC_OBJS = $(GRID_ALOC_SRC:.f=.$(O)) PARASOL_MOD_SRC = domain2dproc_mod.f POINTER_MOD_SRC = point_mod.f ptlocal_mod.f prtcm_mod.f POINTER_ALOC_SRC = $(POINTER_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_aloc.f) SR2_MOD_SRC = sr2com_mod.f $(XDRMOD_SRC) SR2_ALOC_SRC = $(SR2_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_aloc.f) TOOLS_MOD_SRC = cmgfile_mod.f globstore_mod.f kwcom1_mod.f toolsint_mod.f wscom1_mod.f TOOLS_MOD_SPEC_SRC = large_int_mod.f TOOLS_ALOC_SRC = cmgfile_aloc.f kwcom1_aloc.f wscom1_aloc.f WELMAN_MOD_SRC = wmcom1_mod.f wmcom2_mod.f wmcom4_mod.f wmcom5_mod.f WELMAN_ALOC_SRC = $(WELMAN_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_aloc.f) WELMAN_ALOC_OBJS = $(WELMAN_MOD_OBJS:_mod.$(O)=_aloc.$(O)) F90_MOD_SRC = $(IMEX_MOD_SRC) \ $(AIMSOL_MOD_SRC) \ $(GRID_MOD_SRC) \ $(PARASOL_MOD_SRC) \ $(POINTER_MOD_SRC) \ $(SR2_MOD_SRC) srdict_mod.f \ $(TOOLS_MOD_SPEC_SRC) \ $(TOOLS_MOD_SRC) \ $(WELMAN_MOD_SRC) IMEX_MOD_OBJS = $(IMEX_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_mod.$(O)) AIMSOL_MOD_OBJS = $(AIMSOL_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_mod.$(O)) GRID_MOD_OBJS = grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grife1_mod.$(O) grife2_mod.$(O) PARASOL_MOD_OBJS = $(PARASOL_MOD_SRC:_mod.f=_mod.$(O)) POINTER_MOD_OBJS = point_mod.$(O) ptlocal_mod.$(O) prtcm_mod.$(O) SR2_MOD_OBJS = sr2com_mod.$(O) $(XDRMOD) srdict_mod.$(O) TOOLS_MOD_OBJS = cmgfile_mod.$(O) globstore_mod.$(O) kwcom1_mod.$(O) large_int_mod.$(O) toolsint_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) WELMAN_MOD_OBJS = wmcom1_mod.$(O) wmcom2_mod.$(O) wmcom4_mod.$(O) wmcom5_mod.$(O) F90_MOD_OBJS = $(IMEX_MOD_OBJS) \ $(AIMSOL_MOD_OBJS) \ $(GRID_MOD_OBJS) \ $(PARASOL_MOD_OBJS) \ $(POINTER_MOD_OBJS) \ $(SR2_MOD_OBJS) \ $(TOOLS_MOD_OBJS) \ $(WELMAN_MOD_OBJS) F90_ALOC_OBJS = \ cmgfile_aloc.$(O) \ eqtpar_aloc.$(O) \ grmod0_aloc.$(O) \ grmod1_aloc.$(O) \ grmod2_aloc.$(O) \ imex1_aloc.$(O) \ imex2_aloc.$(O) \ imex3_aloc.$(O) \ kwcom1_aloc.$(O) \ mxgr01_aloc.$(O) \ mxinit_aloc.$(O) \ mxprsl_aloc.$(O) \ mxslvr_aloc.$(O) \ mxslvr1_aloc.$(O) \ mxwell_aloc.$(O) \ point_aloc.$(O) \ prtcm_aloc.$(O) \ ptlocal_aloc.$(O) \ sector_aloc.$(O) \ sr2com_aloc.$(O) \ wmcom1_aloc.$(O) \ wmcom2_aloc.$(O) \ wmcom5_aloc.$(O) \ wscom1_aloc.$(O) # not req'd for now: grife1_aloc.$(O) grife2_aloc.$(O) F90_ALOC_SRC = $(F90_ALOC_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) #Dynamic dimensioning changes to Makefile. #Rules for include files. # dyndim.exe removed from dependency list due to spurious # rebuild problem on IBM 3CT $(IMEX_INCS): $(COPY) $(IMEX_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(IMEX_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(IMEX_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(IMEX_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) $(AIMSOL_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(AIMSOL_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(AIMSOL_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) $(GRID_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(GRID_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(GRID_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) $(PARASOL_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(PARASOL_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(POINTER_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(POINTER_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(POINTER_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) $(SR2_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(SR2_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(SR2_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) pcxdr.lib: $(COPY) $(SR2_LIB)$@ $@ $(TOOLS_INCS): $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(TOOLS_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(TOOLS_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(TOOLS_MOD_SPEC_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(TOOLS_LIB)$(LARGE_INT_MOD_SRC) $@ $(D2U) $(TOOLS_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) $(MANIFEST): $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)$@ $@ $(WELMAN_MOD_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(WELMAN_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(WELMAN_ALOC_SRC): $$(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) mod_to_aloc.exe $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ mod_to_aloc.exe -f $(@:_aloc.f=_mod.f) $(D2U) #-- Files for source builds. # ------------------------ IMEX_SRC = $(IMEX_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) AIMSOL_SRC = $(AIMSOL_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) GRID_SRC = $(GRID_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) MXGM_SRC = $(MXGM_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) PARASOL_SRC = $(PARASOL_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) POINTER_SRC = $(POINTER_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) REPORT_SRC = $(REPORT_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) SR2_SRC = $(SR2_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) TOOLS_SRC = $(TOOLS_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) WELMAN_SRC = $(WELMAN_OBJS:.$(O)=.f) MXGM_SRC_TMP = $(MXGM_SRC:.f=.tmp) POINTER_SRC_TMP = $(POINTER_SRC:.f=.tmp) REPORT_SRC_TMP = $(REPORT_SRC:.f=.tmp) TOOLS_SRC_TMP = $(TOOLS_SRC:.f=.tmp) SR2_SRC_TMP = $(SR2_SRC:.f=.tmp) SR2_C_SRC = $(SR2_C_OBJS:.$(O)=.c) TOOLS_C_SRC = $(TOOLS_C_OBJS:.$(O)=.c) ##-- Binary Pool ## ----------- # ALL_F_SRC = $(IMEX_SRC) \ $(AIMSOL_SRC) \ $(GRID_SRC) \ $(MXGM_SRC) \ $(PARASOL_SRC) \ $(POINTER_SRC) \ $(REPORT_SRC) \ $(SR2_SRC) \ $(TOOLS_SRC) \ $(WELMAN_SRC) \ $(F90_ALOC_SRC) \ $(F90_MOD_SRC) ALL_MX_F_SRC = $(ALL_F_SRC) SECURE_SRCS =$(IMEX_SRC) \ $(GRID_SRC) \ $(MXGM_SRC) \ $(PARASOL_SRC) \ $(POINTER_SRC) \ $(REPORT_SRC) \ $(SR2_SRC) \ $(TOOLS_SRC) \ $(WELMAN_SRC) \ $(F90_ALOC_SRC) \ $(F90_MOD_SRC) # --------------------------------------------- # | | # | B U I L D R U L E S | # | | # --------------------------------------------- #-- Ultimate target is link to executable file imex.exe: $(BINARY_MX_OBJS) $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKE_OPTS) $(LICENSE_LIB) $(REPR_LIB) $(F90_DEPENDENCY) \ $(MISSING_IMPORTS) $(LICENSE_DLL) $(OPENMP_DLL) $(BINREADER_LIB) $(BINREADER_DLL) $(MANIFEST) $(PC_XDR_LIB) $(LSDIR) $@ > $@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $@ $(EOC) \ $(LD) $(LINK_FLAGS) $(BINARY_MX_OBJS_LNK) $(LIBS) $(F90_DEPENDENCY_LNK) \ $(LICENSE_LIB) $(REPR_LIB) $(MISSING_IMPORTS) $(BINREADER_LIB) $(PC_XDR_LIB) $(LINK_OUT)$@ $(EOC) \ $(MANIFEST_EXEC) $(EOC) \ echo 'Done.' force_rebuild: @ $(LSDIR) simver.f > simver.f $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) simver.f simver.f: force_rebuild insert_string.exe insert_string.exe -d -v $(VER_NAME) -c $(VER_COM) -f $(IMEX_LIB)$@ > $@ $(D2U) simver.$(O): simver.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c simver.f mxtool.c: $(SR2_C_SRC) @ echo All C tool and SR2 routines have been copied srcb_msg: @ echo .inc and .c files are being copied, if any is needed ... #Build macros specific to platform ALL_IMEX_INCS = $(IMEX_INCS) $(POINTER_INCS) $(SR2_INCS) $(TOOLS_INCS) \ $(WELMAN_INCS) ALL_IMEX_C_SRC = $(SR2_C_SRC) $(TOOLS_C_SRC) #-- Separated Source Code # --------------------- mxsrc.split: $(ALL_MX_F_SRC) simver.f $(COMPVER_SRC) srcb_msg $(ALL_IMEX_INCS) $(ALL_IMEX_C_SRC) \ $(LICENSE_LIB) $(REPR_LIB) $(OPENMP_DLL) $(PC_XDR_LIB) \ $(MAKEFILE) $(BINREADER_LIB) $(BINREADER_DLL) $(MISSING_IMPORTS) @ echo 'build mxsrc.split complete' > mxsrc.split $(EOC) \ echo ' Split source build mxsrc.split complete.' #-- IMEX Library # ------------- $(IMEX_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(IMEX_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(IMEX_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- AIMSOL Library # -------------- $(AIMSOL_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(AIMSOL_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(AIMSOL_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- GRID Library # -------------- $(GRID_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(GRID_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(GRID_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- MXGM Library # ------------ $(MXGM_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(MXGM_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(MXGM_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- PARASOL Library # --------------- $(PARASOL_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(PARASOL_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(PARASOL_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- POINTER Library # --------------- $(POINTER_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(POINTER_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(POINTER_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- REPORT Library # ------------ $(REPORT_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(REPORT_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(REPORT_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- TOOLS Library # ------------- $(TOOLS_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(TOOLS_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(TOOLS_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) aix_mem_info.c: $(COPY_PREPRO) $(TOOLS_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) aix_mem_info.$(O): $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.c) #-- Tool which inserts date, version number and version comment # into simver.f insert_string.exe: $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)$(@:.exe=.f) $(@:.exe=.f) $(EOC) \ $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)cmgtar.f cmgtar_is.f $(EOC) \ $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.exe=.f) $(EOC) \ $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c cmgtar_is.f $(EOC) \ $(FC) $(LINK_FLAGS) insert_string.$(O) cmgtar_is.$(O) $(LINK_OUT)$@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $(@:.exe=.$(O)) $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) *_is.* #-- Tool which converts mod to aloc for f90 versions mod_to_aloc.exe: $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)$(@:.exe=.f) $(@:.exe=.f) $(EOC) \ $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)cmgtar.f cmgtar_mta.f $(EOC) \ $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.exe=.f) $(EOC) \ $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c cmgtar_mta.f $(EOC) \ $(FC) $(LINK_FLAGS) mod_to_aloc.$(O) cmgtar_mta.$(O) $(LINK_OUT)$@ $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) $(@:.exe=.$(O)) $(EOC) \ $(DELETE) *_mta.* #-- Tool which auto-generates compver.f for compiler version information compver_gen.f: $(COPY) $(TOOLS_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) compver_gen.exe: compver_gen.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) compver_gen.f $(EOC) rm -f compver_gen.$(O) #-- Local text file to hold compiler version information. #-- Compile the dummy files and capture the compiler output. DUMMY_F = $(FC) -c $(TOOLS_LIB)dummy_f.f > $@ 2>&1 DUMMY_C = && $(CC) -c $(TOOLS_LIB)dummy_c.c >> $@ 2>&1 compver.txt: $(DUMMY_F) $(DUMMY_C) $(EOC) rm -f dummy_*.$(O) #-- Auto-generated routine which returns compiler version info. compver.f: compver.txt compver_gen.exe compver_gen.exe compver.$(O): compver.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c compver.f #-- SR2 Library # ----------- byteordr.c xdr.c xdrarray.c xdrfloat.c xdrint.c xdrrefer.c xdrstdio.c: $(COPY) $(SR2_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) #-- FORTRAN include file generated from Source SR2 Data Dictionary dict.dat: $(COPY) $(SR2_LIB)$@ $@ srdict_mod.f: dict.dat $(SR2_LIB)gensr2inc$(D)$(BLD_HOST_TYPE)$(D)gensr2fo.exe $(SR2_LIB)dict.dat > srdict_mod.f $(D2U) $(SR2_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(SR2_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(SR2_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) byteordr.$(O) xdr.$(O) xdrarray.$(O) xdrfloat.$(O) xdrint.$(O) xdrrefer.$(O) xdrstdio.$(O): $$(@:.$(O)=.c) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.c) #-- WELMAN Library # -------------- $(WELMAN_SRC): $(COPY_PREPRO) $(WELMAN_LIB)$@ $@ $(D2U) $(WELMAN_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- MOD, ALOC compiles $(F90_MOD_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) $(F90_ALOC_OBJS): $$(@:.$(O)=.f) $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(@:.$(O)=.f) #-- CMG License Library # ------------------- libsecure.a: $(COPY) $(CMGSECURE_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . libsecure.lib: $(COPY) $(CMGSECURE_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . cmgsecure.lib: $(COPY) $(CMGSECURE_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . cmgsecure.dll: $(COPY) $(CMGSECURE_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . libiomp5md.dll: $(COPY) $(IMEX_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . missing_aix_imports.imp: $(COPY) $(CMGSECURE_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ $@ $(D2U) #-- Reprise License Library # ----------------------- librlm.a: $(COPY) $(REPRISELM_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . rlmclient.lib: $(COPY) $(REPRISELM_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . rlm.dll: $(COPY) $(REPRISELM_LIB)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ . #-- BINARRAY Library # ---------------- binarrayfile.dll: copy $(BINARRAY_LIB)$(D)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ $@ $(BINREADER_LIB): copy $(BINARRAY_LIB)$(D)$(PLATFORM)$(D)$@ $@ #-- Include File Dependencies # Module dependencies for modules aimint_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) eqtpar_mod.$(O) cmgfile_mod.$(O): $(XDRMOD) domain2dproc_mod.$(O): aimloc_mod.$(O) eqtpar_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) globstore_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) grmod0_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for IMEX_LIB files. allcat.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) aqcal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) asignv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) begin.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) bryflw.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) call_eqtpar.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) aimint_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) callap.$(O): params_mod.$(O) aimint_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) calljb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) calllp.$(O): params_mod.$(O) aimint_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) mxprsl_mod.$(O) callls.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) aimint_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) callsc.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) callsl.$(O): aimint_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) callst.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) callwm.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) chkcmx.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) cldate.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) clday.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) compak.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) kwcom1_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) conv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) dbgpar.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) denogs.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) dicrak.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) kwcom1_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) diform.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) diltab.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) dmndmx.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) dnpntr.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) dpdzwb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) dvzcal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) dygrck.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) dynamx.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) endmci.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) endpts.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) eqnmfc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) eqnsa.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) eqnsav.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) eqnsfv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) fluxsct.$(O): params_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) fluxsfm.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) flxscout.$(O): params_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) genbis.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxprsl_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) large_int_mod.$(O) grgetsim.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) hystst.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) incomp.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) indasr.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) indata.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) indbug.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) indt.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) indynm.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxprsl_mod.$(O) inendpt_recur.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) ineqil.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) infohd.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) inhert_gm.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grmod0_mod.$(O) iniblks.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) inini1.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) inini2.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) ininit.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) inio.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) iniord.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) innum.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) inrel.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) inres.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) kwcom1_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) inres_fsct.$(O): params_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) kwcom1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) intwrt.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) inwell.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) inwint.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) jbuild.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) jst.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) krochk.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) krolup.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) lay1mx.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) lescal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) lessr2.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) levstr.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxprsl_mod.$(O) lstpar.$(O): aimint_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxprsl_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxslvr1_mod.$(O) large_int_mod.$(O) lstpro.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) matbal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) maxchg.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mcinit.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) md2sur.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) mxasin.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxcspf.$(O): point_mod.$(O) mxdmnew.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) mxeos.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxgetf.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxinit.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxitfg.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxptos.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxrops.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxsetf.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxsrwg.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) ndarcy.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) nondarcy.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) opprnt.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) outflux.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) outin.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) outv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) pcmnmx.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) phswch.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) porcrb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) portab.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) poten.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) prkrpc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) prnbgn.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) propc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) propi.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) proppc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) propsn.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) propsp.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) propwb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) prpsat.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) psdobb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) psdocm.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) psdoi.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) psdosb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) psfcal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) pthresh.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) pvtchk.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) qquit.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) rdprn.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) relpmc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) resid.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) resolve_cons.$(O): mxwell_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) resolve_ipr.$(O): mxwell_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) resolve_link.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) resolve_op.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) restrd.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) kwcom1_mod.$(O) restwt.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) rhows.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) rk4mom.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) rk4wb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) rkintw.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) rkqcwb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) rkqmom.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) rstrcn.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) rstrdd.$(O): params_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) rstrdw.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) rstsec.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) satlrt.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) satrbl.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) save.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) savejb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) sbasin.$(O): params_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) sctcal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) secout.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) secsr2.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) secwel.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) setpfc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) setprf.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) setupv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) shif.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) simdim.$(O): params_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) sltsmo.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) slvint.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) solpas.$(O): grmod2_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) spcchr.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) spcsrf.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxinit_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) splinl.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) splinw.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) srfint.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) srfout.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) grmod0_mod.$(O) srgrid.$(O): imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) stab.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) strsr2.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) sur2md.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) swtsmo.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) tabsat.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) thswch.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) timsum.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) totpi.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) trmcrb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) tsbomb.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) tsconv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) tshead.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) tsio.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) tswcnv.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) tswell.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) tswlap.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) unitcn.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) upkcyc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) varass.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) velcty.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) vrec.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxslvr_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wbcomp.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) wdpntr.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wecho.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welbr1.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welbr2.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welbrn.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welcum.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welhed.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) well.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welmom.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welout.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welpis.$(O): imex1_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) params_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) welscl.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) welsrf.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) whpcal.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) wlmpas.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) wlrate.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) wpinit.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wpnter.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) wscout.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) sector_mod.$(O) wscom1_mod.$(O) xfcalc.$(O): params_mod.$(O) imex1_mod.$(O) imex2_mod.$(O) imex3_mod.$(O) mxgr01_mod.$(O) mxwell_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for AIMSOL_LIB files. aimptp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) aimptr.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) avmulp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) avmult.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) eqtpar.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) eqtpar_mod.$(O) forbkp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) forbkv.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) genlup.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) genluv.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) gmresp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) jdump.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) mindeg.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) order.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) orderp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) parasol.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) prepro.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) preprp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) presym.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) presyp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) pstpro.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) pstprp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) rdsord.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) scalp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) scalpp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) solver.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) symfcp.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) symfcv.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for GRID_LIB files. gradrg.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) gramal.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grappk.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) graqui.$(O): grmod1_mod.$(O) grcell.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grcnc1.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnc2.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnc4.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnc5.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grcnc6.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnc7.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnc8.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnc8nb.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcncb.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grcnct.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcncw.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcncx.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grcnmp.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grcnnp.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grcorn.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grcorn2nd.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grdbas.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grdbug.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grinit.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grlast.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grload.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grmai1.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmain.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grmkpt.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grnhrt.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grpdgd.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grpkpt.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grptcs.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grptwtsr.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grrdap.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdar.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdcp.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdg2.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdg3.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grrdg4.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grrdg5.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grrdg6.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdgr.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdpa.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrdrg.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grread.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod0_mod.$(O) grresr.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrev1.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrev2.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grrevu.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grrgtl.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grscan.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grspec.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) grspt1.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) grmod0_mod.$(O) grspt3.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grspt4.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grspt5.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grspt5nb.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grspt6.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grspt6nb.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grsptl.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grsrcd.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grtrnf.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grunit.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grutil.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grwritecn.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) igrlnk.$(O): grmod0_mod.$(O) grmod1_mod.$(O) grmod2_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for PARASOL_LIB files. ps2dds_actpls.$(O): aimloc_mod.$(O) domain2dproc_mod.$(O) ps2dds_auxil.$(O): aimloc_mod.$(O) domain2dproc_mod.$(O) ps2dds_general.$(O): aimloc_mod.$(O) domain2dproc_mod.$(O) ps2dds_wrkbalance.$(O): aimloc_mod.$(O) domain2dproc_mod.$(O) psgnbs.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) pslvst.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) psrtls.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) psspa2.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) psspg1.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) psvrtx.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for POINTER_LIB files. acopy.$(O): point_mod.$(O) cginit.$(O): point_mod.$(O) cstfun.$(O): point_mod.$(O) cstijk.$(O): point_mod.$(O) cstuba.$(O): point_mod.$(O) dpnter.$(O): point_mod.$(O) ijktps.$(O): point_mod.$(O) ipftpm.$(O): point_mod.$(O) ipmtpf.$(O): point_mod.$(O) prtbln.$(O): params_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) ptlocal_mod.$(O) prtcon.$(O): point_mod.$(O) prtset.$(O): point_mod.$(O) prtcm_mod.$(O) pstsv.$(O): point_mod.$(O) ptasin.$(O): point_mod.$(O) ptcsva.$(O): params_mod.$(O) point_mod.$(O) ptprn.$(O): point_mod.$(O) prtcm_mod.$(O) ptwtsr.$(O): point_mod.$(O) ubatcs.$(O): point_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for SR2_LIB files. sratcp.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srclos.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) $(XDRMOD) srcpin.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srdict.$(O): srdict_mod.$(O) sr2com_mod.$(O) srfrwd.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) $(XDRMOD) srgeta.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srinit.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srnckl.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srprec.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrdea.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrdin.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrdt2.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) toolsint_mod.$(O) srrdt3.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrdt4.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrdt5.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrdtm.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srrkls.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srscan.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srsclr.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srscrr.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srscxd.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srseta.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) toolsint_mod.$(O) cmgfile_mod.$(O) srskip.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) $(XDRMOD) srskt2.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srvrat.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwkls.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwkni.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwpar.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) $(XDRMOD) toolsint_mod.$(O) srwret.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwrfn.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwrt1.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwrt2.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) toolsint_mod.$(O) srwrt3.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwrt4.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) toolsint_mod.$(O) srwrt5.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwrt6.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) srwrtm.$(O): sr2com_mod.$(O) #-- Include file dependencies for TOOLS_LIB files. getwrd.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) infile.$(O): cmgfile_mod.$(O) inltoch.$(O): large_int_mod.$(O) kwget.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) kwset.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) kyskip.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) messag.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) rcaray.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) rcdpr.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) rdline.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) cmgfile_mod.$(O) setio.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) setio5.$(O): kwcom1_mod.$(O) wsc
0 Kudos
Please see the file attached. the makefile is too long and I failed to directly paste it in the email several times.
0 Kudos
Hi, James,

Did you see the makefile in my folder? If not, please let me know your email address and I will directly send it to your email box.


0 Kudos
Hi Dingjun,

I cannot see your file folders.  Please use the email address on my profile,, or see to attach the file to a post.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos

I have already sent it to your email box.

0 Kudos
Hi Dingjun,

I believe that the best place to add it would be in the LIBS variable.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos

Hi, James,

I have tried and the following is shown: 

        insert_string.exe -d -v  -c  -f \imex\imex.lib\simver.f > simver.f

        ifort.exe /Qauto /cm /nologo /w /MT  /Qfpp  /DIFL_IA32 /DWIN_X64 /Qopenmp -c simver.f

clearmake: Error:  Don't know how to make "impimt.lib". Stop.

How to do next?


0 Kudos
Hi Dingjun,

Is LIBS being set somewhere other than in the makefile?  What is insert_string?

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos
HI, James,

LIBS is defined as follows:

LIBS = mkl_intel_lp64.lib mkl_intel_thread.lib mkl_core.lib Wsock32.lib User32.lib shell32.lib Advapi32.lib Gdi32.lib

Insert_string is one of tools developed by us and it is also a .exe file.

0 Kudos
HI, James,

Please see the followng and compiler used is define in this file. 

#-- BOS (Build Options Specification) for:  PC/NT
#   ---------------------------------------------

#-- Things that don't change
LIBS = mkl_intel_lp64.lib impimt.lib mkl_intel_thread.lib mkl_core.lib Wsock32.lib User32.lib shell32.lib Advapi32.lib Gdi32.lib
#LIBS = mkl_intel_lp64.lib mkl_sequential.lib mkl_core.lib Wsock32.lib User32.lib shell32.lib Advapi32.lib Gdi32.lib
PLATFORM = win_x64

# pc native build - for the pc link flags must follow /link
#                   /incremental:no forces a complete relink
#                   /out: is the same as the unix -o
#                   link related compiler flags are inserted
#                   using LINK_FLAGS
#                   the default type is a .exe hence /dll
#                   needs to be used for fgmx.dll
#                   with /dll, the default libraries are
#                   multi-threaded, hence use /libs:static

LCCC       = icl
CC         = icl
FC         = ifort.exe
LD         = ifort.exe
FCA        = ifort.exe
LINK_OUT     = /link /incremental:no /out:
D            = \$N
O            = obj
COPY         = copy
DELETE       = del /f
SED          = d:\tools\sed.exe
MOVE         = move
SHELL        =
EOC          = &&

# setup large ints to be 4 or 8 bytes
LARGE_INT_MOD_SRC = large_int8_mod.f

LICENSE_LIB     = libsecure.lib
REPR_LIB        = rlmclient.lib
OPENMP_DLL      = libiomp5md.dll
BINREADER_LIB     = binarrayfile.lib
BINREADER_DLL     = binarrayfile.dll
SR2_C_OBJS     = byteordr.obj xdr.obj xdrarray.obj xdrfloat.obj xdrint.obj xdrrefer.obj xdrstdio.obj

insert_string.exe mod_to_aloc.exe compver_gen.exe
        := LINK_FLAGS = /4Yportlib

insert_string.exe mod_to_aloc.exe compver_gen.exe
        := LINK_OUT   = /link /incremental:no /out:

#-- Code Preprocessor Directives
#   ----------------------------

#-- To add another pre-processor, define its macro similar to
#   existing ones and add it to the list defining PP.

#initialize pre-processors

PP_CVF        =
PP_DD         =
PP_F95        =
PP_PN         =
PP_WIN32      =
PP_IFL_IA32   =
PP_WIN_X64    =
PP_NO_XDR     =
PP_RPREC      =

###-- Enable Platform Specific Code
# pc

# imex
callsc.f callsc.obj
imex.f imex.obj
imexx.f imexx.obj
inio.f inio.obj
innum.f innum.obj
qquit.f qquit.obj
resolve_link.f resolve_link.obj
cmgfile_mod.f cmgfile_mod.obj
cmgtar.f cmgtar.obj
datime.f datime.obj
getclk.f getclk.obj
header.f header.obj
rdline.f rdline.obj
sigcl1.f sigcl1.obj
sigft1.f sigft1.obj
siggst.f siggst.obj
jdump.f jdump.obj
solver.f solver.obj
parasol.f parasol.obj
srskip.f srskip.obj
srwpar.f srwpar.obj
  := PP_WIN32 = $N /DWIN32

# simver.obj just add's Win x64 as part of header
# callsc.obj has in it
callsc.f callsc.obj
indynm.f indynm.obj
innum.f innum.obj
rdline.f rdline.obj
simver.f simver.obj
  := PP_WIN_X64 = $N /DWIN_X64

# intel ia32 fortran
callsc.f callsc.obj
cmgfile_mod.f cmgfile_mod.obj
cmg_sleep.f cmg_sleep.obj
cmgtar.f cmgtar.obj
getclk.f getclk.obj
getcpu.f getcpu.obj
gethost.f gethost.obj
imex.f imex.obj
procstat.f procstat.obj
qquit.f qquit.obj
rdline.f rdline.obj
sigcl1.f sigcl1.obj
sigft1.f sigft1.obj
siggst.f siggst.obj
simver.f simver.obj
srskip.f srskip.obj
srwpar.f srwpar.obj
  := PP_IFL_IA32 = $N /DIFL_IA32

#debug coupled version
#  := PP_DD = $N /DDD

## openmp enabled version (special omp system calls)
indynm.f indynm.obj
innum.f innum.obj
preprp.f preprp.obj
genlup.f genlup.obj

# /Qtcheck required in addition to /Qopenmp for thread checker plus,
#          for intermittent problem with system call omp_get_num_procs
#          add /DOPENMP_TCHECK to above (required by innum)
OMP_FLAGS            = /Qopenmp
#OMP_FLAGS           =

# disable security for ia32 tests

## disable xdr for tests
#  :=  PP_NO_XDR    = $N /DNO_XDR

# to disable MKL if you do not have MKL installed - MKL is used for
# some diagnostics related to the block diagonal matrices in the
# Jacobian
#  := PP_NO_MKL = $N /DNO_MKL

# new fortran (VF6.1) appears to allow F95 version for all win32 os's
# F95 standard call reports cpu time rather than elapsed time
# tested on US win95a,b, win98.1, nt4/sp4;CH win98, SP win98
getcpu.f getcpu.obj
  :=  PP_F95 = $N /DF95

## try real(16) for gmres dot products and key jbuild ops
## stab.obj - stab probably not needed
#avmulp.obj gmresp.obj jbuild.obj solver.obj
#  :=  PP_RPREC = $N /DREAL_16

# allow register use for full gmresp dot products (old default for 2002.10)
# use REAL_* for Intel fortran 8.1.019 - otherwise get wrong answers
# disable this for Intel Fortran 9.1.029 - no longer required
#avmulp.obj gmresp.obj
#  :=  PP_RPREC = $N /DREAL_8

#-- Accumulate all PP pre-processing directives
PP   = $(PP_1)$(PP_2)

# default to preprocessing .f files instead of copying them
COPY_PREPRO  = fpp /P$(PP)

#-- Compile Options

# /cm - disables comment reporting /CV causes problems if a scalar
#  rather than an array
# /Ap64 - enable 64 bit pointers

     PLATFORM_FLAGS = /Qauto /cm /nologo /w /MT

# for development/release toggle the two lines below plus toggle FFLAGS_XTRA
# blank for release and non-blank for debug
# /CB is allowed for Intel Fortran 8.0 - not for 7.1
# for 9.1 compiler: /check:uninit or /RTCu checks for unitialized variables at runtime - does not work with parallel so disable /Qopenmp and OPENMP_VER
#                   /check:bounds checks for subrange errors
#                   /Zi - supports parallel debugging
#                   /traceback required for traceback
# Thread checker does not support optimization (use /Od), thread profiler does support
# optimization, use /O2
# to set environment variables, run appropriate Intel compiler bat's followed by thcheckvars.bat "32e"
# for thread checker, tprofilevars.bat "32e" for thread profiler
# "32e" is required for x64 version, default is 32bit version
# If you want to pass these settings to Visual Studio, follow this from the same dos shell
# with devenv /useenv
# use /Zi /O2 with otherwise normal OpenMP version for Intel Performance Tuning Utility (PTU)
#    also need to build outside of clearcase
#    FFLAGS_XTRA     = /Zi /O2
#    FFLAGS_XTRA     = /Zi /Od
#    FFLAGS_XTRA     = /Zi /check:bounds /check:uninit /traceback
#    FFLAGS_XTRA     = /Zi /C /check:noarg_temp_created /Qvc10 /traceback /fpe:0
     FFLAGS_XTRA     =

     CFLAGS  = /nologo /MT /w /W0 /GX /O2 /I"$(VIEW)\shared\sr2.lib" /D"WIN64" /D"NDEBUG" /D"_WINDOWS" /D"_Windows" /D"PC" /D"IFL_IA32" /D"_PTRDIFF_T" /D"_SIZE_T_DEFINED" /D"_SIZE_T"

insert_string.exe:= FFLAGS  = $(PLATFORM_FLAGS) /4Yportlib /Qfpp $(PP)
mod_to_aloc.exe  := FFLAGS  = $(PLATFORM_FLAGS) /4Yportlib /Qfpp $(PP)

# Intel fortran 8.0.038 - stack overflow -fixed by moving local arrays from wmlypn to wmcom1_mod (was /STACK:2000000)
# /fixed:no required for Vtune, Thread Checker, Thread Profiler
# increases stack size required for Intel fortran 8.1.019 - default worked fine for 8.0.038
# if do not increase stack size for 8.1.019, then remote .bat (tpl) runs to Win2K AS has large number of
# runs ending in segmentation faults
# debug requires /EXPECTEDOUTPUTSIZE:100000000
# /Qopenmp_profile required instead of /Qopenmp for thread profiler
imex.exe        := LINK_FLAGS = $(PLATFORM_FLAGS) $(FFLAGS_XTRA) $(OMP_FLAGS) /4Yportlib
#imex.exe        := LINK_FLAGS = $(PLATFORM_FLAGS) $(FFLAGS_XTRA) /Qopenmp_profile /4Yportlib
imex.exe        := LINK_OUT   = /link /LARGEADDRESSAWARE /incremental:no /STACK:4000000 /out:
#imex.exe        := LINK_OUT   = /link /LARGEADDRESSAWARE /fixed:no /EXPECTEDOUTPUTSIZE:100000000 /STACK:4000000 /incremental:no /out:

# Workaround for Fortran/C++ 10.1.021 / 11.0.066 (windows) compiler problem
   := CFLAGS = /nologo /MT /w /W0 /GX /Zi /O1 /I"$(VIEW)\shared\sr2.lib" /D"WIN64" /D"NDEBUG" /D"_WINDOWS" /D"_Windows" /D"PC" /D"IFL_IA32" /D"_PTRDIFF_T" /D"_SIZE_T_DEFINED" /D"_SIZE_T"

#-- Portability library routines

getcpu.obj sigcl1.obj srskip.obj srwpar.obj
   := FFLAGS  = $(PLATFORM_FLAGS) $(FFLAGS_XTRA) /4Yportlib /Qfpp $(PP) $(OMP_FLAGS)

#-- Turn off vectorization for selected routines

gmresp.obj solver.obj tsio.obj

************ end ***************

Please advise me how to update above compiler options. Thanks again.


0 Kudos
Hi, James,

Thank you so much! I have added impimt.lib in the following LIBS and succeed to pass linking.

LIBS = mkl_intel_lp64.lib mkl_intel_thread.lib impimt.lib mkl_core.lib Wsock32.lib User32.lib shell32.lib Advapi32.lib Gdi32.lib

Have a good day

0 Kudos
Hi Dingjun,

Add impimt.lib to the LIBS variable in this file.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos
Hi Dingjun,

Good, I'm glad to hear it working now.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools
0 Kudos