Intel® MPI Library
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Single Developer license question

We are a small group (3 developers) that are interested in using INTEL MPI. Could you please explain exactly what a "SINGLE Developer" license means?? Does that mean it is tied to one login id, or does that mean it can only be used by one person at a time. We don't build MPI applications very often, so if 3 developers can use one INTEL MPI development environment, that would work for us.
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1 Reply
725 Views a link to the End User License Agreementwhich explains different license options, e.g. at iii SINGLE-USER LICENSE : '... A separate license is required for each additional use and/or individual user ...'
in addition to the SINGLE-USER license, there is also e.g. SMALL CLUSTER-SYSTEM licenses for up to 20 developers. (or MEDIUM up to 100 or LARGE with no limit). each of the above with no restriction on cluster size, that is the number of processors of the target cluster system is not counted.
for your situation (3 activeconcurrent developers) it seems most econonical tocover withthreeSINGLE-USER licenses.
however, a single license will get you started, as you will be able to find out with a free 30 day eval license, and you can add further licenses lateras you need.
-- werner
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