I've been using PBS system for testing my code. I have a PBS script to run my binary code. But when I get:
> [0] MPI startup(): ofa fabric is not available and fallback fabric is not enabled
And I read this site: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-clusters-and-hpc-technology/topic/382682
However, those methods can not sovle the problem. My code can run in host node and other node, but the code can not run by PBS system.
What can I do for this problem?
This my PBS script:
#!/bin/sh #PBS -N job_1 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12 #PBS -o example.out #PBS -e example.err #PBS -l walltime=3600:00:00 #PBS -q default_queue echo -e --------- `date` ---------- echo HomeDirectory is $PWD echo echo Current Dir is $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo "------------This is the node file -------------" cat $PBS_NODEFILE echo "-----------------------------------------------" np=$(cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l) echo The number of core is $np echo echo cat $PBS_NODEFILE > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/mpd.host mpdtrace >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo -e mpdboot -n 1 -f mpd.host -r ssh fi mpirun -np 12 ./run_test