Intel® MPI Library
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wmpiexec and command line prompts and process priority?

New Contributor I

Hi All, 

I have a program that prompts for user input from the master process and works fine using mpiexec. However, I don't see an option in the Intel version of wmpiexec that executes a command window so that user input can be obtained.  I know the mpich version of wmpiexec allows this option, but I don't see it in the Intel version.  It's no big deal, as I can just run mpiexec from a command window to start.

Second question, is there an easy way to set the priority of processes when they are launched?  Right now I use the following powershell function to set all the processes to "Idle" after the mpiexec run

function set-ProcessPriority {
    param($processName = $(throw "Enter process name"), $priority = "Normal")
    get-process -processname $processname | foreach { $_.PriorityClass = $priority }
    write-host "`"$($processName)`"'s priority is set to `"$($priority)`""

then from powershell execute

set-ProcessPriority testProgram "Idle"

But that adds another step. Thanks for your help!


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3 Replies

Hi Joe,

I apologize for your questions not being addressed sooner.  We do not have an option to run from wmpiexec in an interactive command window.  Do you want this to be submitted as a feature request?

Regarding the process priority, you could use the SetThreadPriority function in the Windows* API.  This will allow you to set the priority of a thread within the thread itself.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

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New Contributor I

Hi James,

Sorry for my late reply as well.  Well, if the interactive command feature was added to wmpiexec, I would use it, so yes, please add as a feature request.

The window API call would work, but I only use windows for development, then move the code to an HPC for runs.  I suppose I could add some compilier directives, but it's no big deal.

Thanks for you input!


0 Kudos

Hi Joe,

I have submitted a feature request to add an option for an interactive command window.  I'll pass on any updates to this feature request.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

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