Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
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ANN: Scalable Parallel C++ Conjugate Gradient Linear System Solver Library 1.5



My Scalable Parallel C++ Conjugate Gradient Linear System Solver Library was updated to version 1.5

Now it supports processor groups on windows , so it will allow you to go and scale beyond 64 logical processors and it will be NUMA efficient.

Author: Amine Moulay Ramdane


This library contains a Scalable Parallel implementation of Conjugate Gradient Dense Linear System Solver library that is NUMA-aware and cache-aware, and it contains also a Scalable Parallel implementation of Conjugate Gradient Sparse Linear System Solver library that is cache-aware.

Please download the zip file and read the readme file inside the zip to know how to use it.

Language: GNU C++ and Visual C++ and C++Builder

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Unix and OSX on (x86)

You can download it from:

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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