Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.
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How to run a QuickWin+MPI project in Visual Studio or in the command line

New Contributor III


I have used Visual Studio (VS) and QuickWin for code development with great satisfaction. With QuickWin it is possible to plot during computation which strongly simplifies bug detection and to monitor the computations.

To reduce computation times I parallellized the code with MPI (OpenMP could unfortunately not be used due to third party libraries).  I first configured VS for MPI, produced an executable and the ran the executable from VS by the command Ctrl+F5. For two threads, no graphic windows appeared, only two "ordinary" windows but with no text output from the test program.

When I run the executable from the co produced in VS on the command line I got a breakpoint error from a code section with MPI calls.

When I compiled, linked and run the test program from the command line I got two graphic windows with some text but the text output did not differ between ranks (different threads) which it should.

I guess I belong to a tiny group using VS+MPI, but I should really appreciate to get a demonstration on how to run the test program attached

a) totally in the VS environment

b) totally in the command line environment.

Best regards

Anders S

0 Kudos
2 Replies
New Contributor III


For some reasons I was not authorized to add the test routine!

Best regards

Anders S

0 Kudos
New Contributor III


The test program and mpiexec command have already been uploaded to the very recent case "Breakpoint error during MPI run" under the same problem area.

Best regards

Anders S

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