Intel® Moderncode for Parallel Architectures
Support for developing parallel programming applications on Intel® Architecture.

Welcome to the forum


Welcome to the new Threading forum, a forum hosted by the Intel engineers who created the Intel Threading Tools and pioneered desktop threading with Hyper-Threading Technology.

This forum is a place where developers of all levels of expertise can share their experiences and resources, ask questions, . . . and have fun! Hey, if threading engineers can?t do two things at once who can?

There's plenty to discuss including related white papers and articles. How can we improve our offerings?

Our pledge: No question on desktop and server threading issues will go unanswered, however big or small. Put us to the test. Rub shoulders with your peers. Let?s dig in and make this forum a true community.


Message Edited by IrenaR on 06-18-2004 12:44 PM


Message Edited by on 12-09-2005 01:57 PM

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