Intel® Optane™ Memory
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1367 Discussions

Optane memory error 0xA007000D


I already did the procest with the Windows Powershell of cleaning the Optane but it wouldnt work either way. I have had a lot of trouble with the Optane already with it trying to get recognized in the system as an Optane and not as an SSD and now this. I hope is worth SO MUCH trouble to get this to work. 32 gb by the way.

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3 Replies

Hello Charner,



Thanks for posting your question in the Intel® Optane™ Memory community.



I am sorry to hear you are having issues with setting up your Optane memory.



After researching on your issue, the error code 0xA007000D means that there is data in the Optane memory that cannot be deleted.



You will need to back up the information from the Optane memory module into the SATA drive you are planning to accelerate and after that format the Optane memory module.



Using a fresh installation of Windows can also help to resolve your issue.



In the following link you will find a fully detailed installation guide for the Optane memory in case you don't have it yet.



Hope this information helps. If you have any additional question please let me know.



Best Regards,


Juan N.
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Hello Charner,



I would like to know if you have any additional question regarding your post in our community.



Best Regards,


Juan N.
0 Kudos

Hello, i got the same error. Try to format the Optane memory with the Windows Powershell, but there is no Optane memory listed, only my normal HDD's.

It is well in the RST Programm, there i can see the Optane Memory, and in the Hardware list (in german "Gerätemanager") on my pc it is listet as an Harddrive. But is impossible to format the memory. So what can i do ?

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