Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory
Examine Issues Related to Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory
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Re: Questions to close out Optane / Persistent Memory

New Contributor III

I unhappy with this decision but let's move on fast....


1. Where was these product mfg? Will any of these new plants in the US slotted to be a producers?

2. What do I do with this stuff now? I have it in PCs and in Servers.


In PCs, I was able to just turn the module into extra storage drives. I'm okay with that. 

In Servers, this is more long will Intel support before I have to pull out and buy DRAM again? 


In closing, I did like the caching I did get performance boosts with Adobe products and gaming. 

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1 Reply

Hello Residentx,

Thank you for joining the Intel community

Some of your questions could be considered clasified information, even when there might be some info around the internet, any official statement will require a Corporate Non-Disclusure Agreement between your company and Intel. Something you can try is to contact your local reseller and should be able to answer some of your inquiries. Where to Buy Intel® Products for Business or Personal Use


Jose A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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