Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16681 Discussions

Arria EP2APX125xx not available in Quartus

Honored Contributor II

Hello @all here, 

I'm on my Diploma-Thesis right now, developing an Arria II GX based Imageprocessing System, which is connected via PCIe 1x and use external DDR2 Memory. I've access to a full licensed Quartus II 9.0sp2 (Linux) and Hardware at work, but (as normal for Students) I wan't to extend and simulate my Design at Home using free Quartus II 9.0sp2 Web Edition. 

Now it's seems to me that not all Arria II Devices are included, specially not the Device I need for fitting - EP2AGX125 (F572). 


My Question now, is there any possibility for a trial license or devicepack or something, that give me the possibility? 


Another Problem I face is a "Found unknown error in Block Symbol File ..."-Error after successful PCIe-Hard-IPCore generation with PCIe compiler 9 using VHDL as Output and try to insert in Schematic editor. I think it's no generic Generator Problem because DDR2-HP Controller is working. 


So far so good, 

thanks in advance for your comments, 

Marcel Schmedes
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I would contact your sales rep or FAE or possibly whoever is in charge of licensing at your university. They might be able to work some kind of license out for you. 


As far as the error goes, can't help there. I've never used the schematic editor. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I would contact your sales rep or FAE or possibly whoever is in charge of licensing at your university. They might be able to work some kind of license out for you. 


As far as the error goes, can't help there. I've never used the schematic editor. 



--- Quote End ---  



Thank's for your reply! 


I'll talk to our Sales rep., on the other side I can Analyse&Synthesis @Home, so I've to do only fitting @Work... 


I use Schematic Editor just to get an better Overview about the SoC. Using the Way of generating Core first and generate Symbol afterwards works like a charm. 


Look's like you one of the Gurus here :) - Maybe you're Interested in looking into my second Post here: 


Thank's again, 


BTW: Is there any marker like "Thread closed" available here?
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