Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16680 Discussions

Does QSYS support custom types?

Honored Contributor II

Hello all,  


Does QSYS support custom signal types? Specifically, I am trying to create a custom component in my Avalon memory mapped system, and have this component act as a slave. I would also like to export an array of signals from this custom slave to access the array elsewhere in my design. When I try to "analyze synthesis files" in the component editor, I recieve an error saying :  


"Error: Verilog HDL or VHDL XML Interface error at *custom_block*.vhd(91): port "array_name" has an unsupported type" 


I have the array type defined in a package, and I am including this package in my list of synthesis files in the component editor, but am still recieving this error. Is this an unsupported feature of QSYS? I can't seem to find a clear answer in QSYS documentation.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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Hello all,  


Does QSYS support custom signal types? Specifically, I am trying to create a custom component in my Avalon memory mapped system, and have this component act as a slave. I would also like to export an array of signals from this custom slave to access the array elsewhere in my design. When I try to "analyze synthesis files" in the component editor, I recieve an error saying :  


"Error: Verilog HDL or VHDL XML Interface error at *custom_block*.vhd(91): port "array_name" has an unsupported type" 


I have the array type defined in a package, and I am including this package in my list of synthesis files in the component editor, but am still recieving this error. Is this an unsupported feature of QSYS? I can't seem to find a clear answer in QSYS documentation. 

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No, Qsys only knows std_logic_vectors. Actually under the cover Qsys uses Verilog.  

So if you use (as I do) custom types in your Qsys blocks you will have to write the 2 necessary conversion functions: to_std_logic_vector( t : my_vhdl_type ) return std_logic_vector and its companion to_my_vhdl_type( v : std_logic_vector ) return my_vhdl_type. If you put the definitions of the type and the functions in a VHDL package you can use them throughout your Qsys components.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

No, Qsys only knows std_logic_vectors. Actually under the cover Qsys uses Verilog.  

So if you use (as I do) custom types in your Qsys blocks you will have to write the 2 necessary conversion functions: to_std_logic_vector( t : my_vhdl_type ) return std_logic_vector and its companion to_my_vhdl_type( v : std_logic_vector ) return my_vhdl_type. If you put the definitions of the type and the functions in a VHDL package you can use them throughout your Qsys components. 

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Thanks for the quick reply and for the information. I was able to work around this by creating conversion functions.
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