Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16677 Discussions

ERROR 129001 Input port DINFIFORX .... is not legally connected

Honored Contributor II

Hi everybody, 


this is my first post .... so bear with me. 


I am having some compilation issues in Quartus. I tried googling and found no answers. I tried posing a service request but i cant. 


I am using 5CEBA2F17C6 cyclone VE. During my compilation i get this errors 


error (129001): input port dinfiforx on atom "lvds_control:lvds_init|lvds_sync:lvds_sync_init_top|lvds_deser_cy5:lvds_deser_inst1|altlvds_rx:altlvds_rx_component|lvds_deser_cy5_lvds_rx1:auto_generated|sd1", which is a cyclonev_ir_fifo_userdes primitive, is not legally connected and/or configured info (129003): input port dinfiforx[0] is driven by a constant signal, but the compiler expects this input port to be connected to a real signal 

error (129001): input port dinfiforx on atom "lvds_control:lvds_init|lvds_sync:lvds_sync_init_bottom|lvds_deser_cy5:lvds_deser_inst1|altlvds_rx:altlvds_rx_component|lvds_deser_cy5_lvds_rx1:auto_generated|sd5", which is a cyclonev_ir_fifo_userdes primitive, is not legally connected and/or configured 

info (129003): input port dinfiforx[0] is driven by a constant signal, but the compiler expects this input port to be connected to a real signal 


can some one tell me what this is and how to fix it. 


Thank you 


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Honored Contributor II



Just in case anybody would stumble upon this problem: you cannot connect internal signals or constants to the inputs of the ALTLVDS_RX megafunction; the pins must be real LVDS pins of the FPGA.
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