Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16680 Discussions

Error in case staement

Honored Contributor II

I am trying to run a small code of VHDL on Quartus and it errors out saying 

error (10321): VHDL error at PPC_PCI_SM.vhd(499): choice ""10H"" overlaps with a previous choic 

error (10321): VHDL error at PPC_PCI_SM.vhd(499): choice ""00H"" overlaps with a previous choice 

Which is basically a "case" error  

I have attached the relavant code too ,but strangely precision( a mentor tool) passes it.. 


clocked_state : PROCESS ( ppc_clk_66m,rst_N) 

variable wait_it_pci : natural range 0 to 5 ; 


if (rst_N = '0') then 

int_pci_dma_size <= SINGLE; 

ppc_state <= PPC_IDLE; 

wait_it_pci := 5 ; 

ppc_read_brst <='0'; 

int_dma_access <= '0'; 

ta_read_N <= '1'; 

r_ta_read_N <= '1'; 

ta_write_N <= '1'; 

int_pci_busy <= '0'; 

int_eod <= '0'; 

int_aack_N <= '1'; 

ppc_req <= '0'; 

ppc_mtx_fifo_odd_wr <= '0'; 

ppc_mtx_fifo_even_wr <= '0'; 

ppc_mrx_fifo_odd_rd_1 <= '0'; 

ppc_mrx_fifo_even_rd_1 <= '0'; 

ppc_mrx_fifo_odd_rd_3 <= '0'; 

brst_counter <= "00000000"; 

int_ppc2pci_be <= (others => '0') ; 

int_pci_address1_ppcclk <= (others =>'0'); 

ppc_pipe_stop_ppcclk <='0'; 

fifo_rst_a <= '0'; 

int_pci_error_ppcclk <= '0'; 

pci_error_ppcclk <='0'; 

elsif (ppc_clk_66m'EVENT AND ppc_clk_66m = '1') then 

r_ta_read_N <= ta_read_N ; 

if ( int_pci_error_ppcclk ='1') then 

pci_error_ppcclk <='1'; 

end if ; 

case ppc_state is 

when PPC_IDLE=> 

wait_it_pci := 5 ; 

pci_error_ppcclk <='0'; 

ppc_read_brst <='0'; 

int_dma_access <= '0'; 

int_pci_error_ppcclk <= '0'; 

fifo_rst_a <= '0'; 

ppc_mtx_fifo_odd_wr <= '0'; 

ppc_mtx_fifo_even_wr <= '0'; 

ppc_mrx_fifo_odd_rd_1 <= '0'; 

ppc_mrx_fifo_odd_rd_3 <= '0'; 

ppc_mrx_fifo_even_rd_1 <= '0'; 

brst_counter <= "00000000"; 

int_pci_busy <= '0'; 

int_aack_N <='1'; 

ppc_pipe_stop if (ppc_start='1') then 

case int_dma_size_mux is 

-- pour ganer une clk 

when "110" => int_pci_dma_size <= EIGHT; 

brst_counter <= EIGHT; 

when "011" => int_pci_dma_size <= SINGLE; 

brst_counter <= SINGLE; 

when "111" => int_pci_dma_size <= DOUBLE; 

brst_counter <= DOUBLE; 

when "100" | "101" | "001" | "000"|"10H" | "00H" => int_pci_dma_size <= dma_wcount1; 

brst_counter <= dma_wcount1; 

when others => int_pci_dma_size <= (others =>'0'); 

brst_counter <= (others =>'0'); 

end case; 

ppc_state <= PPC_WAIT; 

ppc_req<= '1'; 

int_pci_busy <= '1'; 

-- brst_counter <= int_pci_dma_size; 


if (int_pci_cmd(0)='0') then 

ppc_pipe_stop_ppcclk <='1';
0 Kudos
3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I don't know, what's the type of int_dma_size_mux, I guess std_logic_vector. If so "00H" is an alias for "001" and "10H" for "101". The case constants are existing twice, simply a VHDL syntax error. The error is probably ignored by the Precision tool, tha't the whole story. Or is there a different meaning of the said constants?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Oops You are right ,Its a std_logic_vector...:)

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Honored Contributor II

It's legal VHDL but questionable for synthesis. You can use '1', '0', 'Z', and sometimes 'X' (but only on the right-hand side of an assignment) but I'd avoid H and L altogether. These are meta-values that don't have any utility for a digital logic synthesis tool. They typically bit-encoded std_ulogic, so you only get 1/0 and hence the aliasing you're seeing.

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