Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16644 Discussions

How to assign an entity located within a generate statement to a logiclock region?

Honored Contributor II

Dear all 


I'm trying to assign an entity, which is inside a (VHDL) generate statement, to a logiclock region: 


set_instance_assignment -name LL_MEMBER_OF MEMIFLL -to "MEMIF:\B0:MIF|MEMRD:MRD" -section_id MEMIFLL 


However there seems to be something wrong with the assignment, as it is always either cleared out of the *.qsf fileby Quartus. A second assignment 


set_instance_assignment -name LL_MEMBER_OF MEMIFLL -to "SEQLD:SLD" -section_id MEMIFLL 


does work a expected, it is assigned to and placed within the region. 

It looks to me that the tool is not able to cope with the "\" character. So how is it done (a wildcard "*" at the position didn't work either...)? 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

When I had to mess about with regions, it was much easier doing it in the floorplanner. You could find your entity in the noise finder, which will give you the correct path. Then you can just copy, paste or modify the path

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Honored Contributor II

I assume you had the node finder in mind. Not my favourite to click through the GUI each time. 


However, I found the solution in meantime. In *.qsf (otherwise than in *.sdc :-( ) a second "\" character is required to announce the special one, like: 

set_instance_assignment -name LL_MEMBER_OF MEMIFLL -to "MEMIF:\\B0:MIF|MEMRD:MRD" -section_id MEMIFLL
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