Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16681 Discussions

How to reliabily program multiple FPGAs using quartus_pgm?


I have a server with 8 x Stratix 10 SX boards (Terasic DE10Pro), which I would like to be able to program over usb-to-jtag.  When I have one or two baords installed, I can reliably program a board, e.g. using:

quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o "p;output_files/DE10_Pro.sof@2"

However, once all eight FPGA baords are connected, the programming process times out:

Info (18942): Configuring device index 2
Error (18939): Unexpected error in JTAG server: Timeout
Error (18939): Unexpected error in JTAG server: Timeout
Error (18952): Error status: Synchronization failed
Error (209012): Operation failed

Is quartus_pgm known to work with eight or more boards?


- Simon

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21 Replies

Hello Fakhrul,


As I previously mentioned, signal integrity issues and USB hubs are very unlikely to be the problem given the experiement I've undertaken using Docker contains.  In each Docker container I put one jtagd and ensured it had access to just one of the USB ports.  So I end up with eight Docker containers, one for each FPGA board.  At that point porogramming is reliable.  Therefore it seems improbably that the issue is signal integrity related.  I'm pretty certain the issue is with jtagd not being able to reliably handle multiple FPGAs where each FPGA board has its own USB-to-JTAG.


Ideally I'd like to talk with somebody who maintains jtagd.  Might this be possible?  It might be worth setting up a call.  My contact details can be found here:

<link removed - you can be contacted by PM>


- Simon

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