Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Large 2D registers using a lot of logic!

Honored Contributor II



So I am building sort of a grid for mapping specific data using Verilog for a DE-1 board. This is the specific code.  


reg [3:0] accumulator [0:100][0:100]; 


The simulation works perfect on Modelsim, but when compiling it on Quartus II, the compiler is building the registers using the logic. I was wondering if there is a way I could make it use the memory in the board or some other way I can build a 2D array map using the memory. Thanks for any suggestion in advance.
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Quartus will synthesize the registers in internal RAM, if the design structure corresponds to the RAM inference scheme shown in the Quartus software manual and in the language templates.  


The main restrictions are required synchronous operation and that only one memory location can be accessed for a clock cycle (respectively two for a dual-port RAM). 

It should be noted, that Quartus showa only limited intelligency in RAM inference and probably doesn't recognize equivalent structures that objectively allow RAM inference. E.g. 2D-addresses aren't accepted, you have to map it to 1D manually.
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Honored Contributor II


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So I am building sort of a grid for mapping specific data using Verilog for a DE-1 board. This is the specific code.  


reg [3:0] accumulator [0:100][0:100]; 


The simulation works perfect on Modelsim, but when compiling it on Quartus II, the compiler is building the registers using the logic. I was wondering if there is a way I could make it use the memory in the board or some other way I can build a 2D array map using the memory. Thanks for any suggestion in advance. 

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I think you can implement same design by using 16 LUTs.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I think you can implement same design by using 16 LUTs. 

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How? When I use it as is, Quartus II uses around 80% of the logic elements for cyclone II, without it's just 5%.
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Honored Contributor II


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Quartus will synthesize the registers in internal RAM, if the design structure corresponds to the RAM inference scheme shown in the Quartus software manual and in the language templates.  


The main restrictions are required synchronous operation and that only one memory location can be accessed for a clock cycle (respectively two for a dual-port RAM). 

It should be noted, that Quartus showa only limited intelligency in RAM inference and probably doesn't recognize equivalent structures that objectively allow RAM inference. E.g. 2D-addresses aren't accepted, you have to map it to 1D manually. 

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In that case I will have convert the 2 coordinate addresses into 1 and back to 2 when I want to output? I am basically trying to design a 2D grid, do you know of any better way apart from using one huge RAM block?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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In that case I will have convert the 2 coordinate addresses into 1 and back to 2 when I want to output? 

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Why back to 2? You simply concatenate both address vectors to one when assigning the RAM address.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Why back to 2? You simply concatenate both address vectors to one when assigning the RAM address. 

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Because in the end, I will traverse through the ram and determine cells with some specific value and require the 2D addresses of those cells.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You can also use the "MegaWizard Plug-In Manager" (under Tools menu) in Quartus to generate a RAM block and say it must be in the ram cells of the FPGA. That will use the altera optimized memory compiler, which may be better.

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