Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

Migrating Xilinx Coregen files to Altera as EDIF Netlists

Honored Contributor II



I am migrating a design from Xilinx to Altera in the course of which I am facing an issue implementing a divider. The dividers seem to behave differntly and therefore in order to save much modification I decided to import to EDIF netlist of Xilinx coregen divider to quartus and compile it. I wanted to know the following :- 


-> Is it possible to implement EDIF netlist of xilinx proprietary coregen IPs in altera ? 

-> Are there additional libraries or packages or anything else that needs to be added ? 



Thank you
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I doubt you can import EDIF netlists unless they are contain purely logic. 


I vaguely recall that when I used Mentor Precision RTL to target Altera devices, the Altera LPM components were passed through the EDIF netlist as 'black box' components. I wouldn't be surprised if the Xilinx tools did something similar. 


What you should do instead is create a testbench that verifies the functionality of your Xilinx based design, and then incrementally replace the Xilinx components with Altera components. I've used Modelsim Altera Starter Edition to compile Xilinx designs. You just have to compile the library components. Once you've converted the design to Altera components, then you can simply synthesize it directly from the source, rather than an EDIF netlist. 



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