Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16680 Discussions

Modelsim Altere Web Edition license not working

Honored Contributor II


I'm trying unsuccesfully to setup a Modelsim-Altera Web edition License. 

I did retrive my license.dat (NIC based) and I *did* check the "include Modelsim License" checkbox. I did setup the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable in Windows XP.  

But Modelsim is still complaining "unable to checkout license. make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly..." 



The Quartus Software finds automatically the license when "Use LM_LICENSE_FILE" checkbox is enable, so I suggest the variable is set up properly. 


I'm using latest version od (7.2) of both softwares... 

This is the diagonsis output: (I masked the MAC address) 

C:\altera\72\modelsim_ae\win32aloem>lmutil lmdiag lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved . FLEXlm diagnostics on Wed 10/3/2007 17:13 ----------------------------------------------------- License file: c:\altera\alt_lic.dat ----------------------------------------------------- "quartus_lite" v2008.03, vendor: alterad uncounted nodelocked license, locked to ethernet address "xxxxxxxxxxxx" expir es: 15-mar-2008 This is the correct node for this node-locked license ----------------------------------------------------- Enter <CR> to continue: "alteramtiwe" v2008.03, vendor: mgcld uncounted nodelocked license, locked to ethernet address "xxxxxxxxxxxx" start s: 3-oct-2007, expires: 15-mar-2008 This is the correct node for this node-locked license -----------------------------------------------------
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14 Replies
Honored Contributor II



So from what I understand, it appears that the Quartus II web edition software is working correctly but the ModelSim-Altera web edition generates an error when running this application? 


Here are a few things to check: 


1. Check to see if you also have a MGLS_LICENSE_FILE in your environment variable? If so, you may be using another Mentor Graphics software applications. This may potentially cause a problem because ModelSim-Altera may be trying to access the other MGCLD vendor daemon. Thus, if you are using any other Mentor software applications, you can simply copy and paste the ModelSim-Altera feature lines to your Mentor graphics license which should resolve this. 


2. In the past, I've had two NIC card on my laptop. Thus, you can ensure that you are requesting for the correct NIC ID by verifying this in the Quartus II software -> Tools -> License Setup -> Local System info. This should state the correct NIC ID in which you should use to generate your license file from the Altera website. 


If the above doesn't help, please provide some more details to the failure... i.e., Are you able to use the Quartus II ver 7.2 software without any problems? Which version of the Modelsim-Altera software are you having this problem with? Is this Modelsim-Altera 6.1g (for Quartus II version 7.2)? Are you using VPN or logging in remotely? etc...  


Here's a great reference link on Altera software licensing: 


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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for your answer! 

I installed Quartus an Modelsim on a fresh Windows XP SP2, so no other Software is installed (MS Office of course). 

And I'm sure about the NIC-Address. 


One other thing: I'm running the software in a Vmware. I don't know if this is important, but Quartus runs just perfectly, inclusive the USB_Blaster. I don't have any troubles programming the Cyclone II from within VMware...
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Honored Contributor II

I would suggest that you file an SR or contact an Altera FAE for the VMware support of Altera tools like Quartus II, Megacore IP and ModelSim-Altera as the licensing scheme may create a problem for this arrangement.

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Honored Contributor II

I'd suggest that you remove VMware to see if this resolves the issue? Give that a try and let us know if ModelSim-Altera works or not? 


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Thanks for your answer! 

I installed Quartus an Modelsim on a fresh Windows XP SP2, so no other Software is installed (MS Office of course). 

And I'm sure about the NIC-Address. 


One other thing: I'm running the software in a Vmware. I don't know if this is important, but Quartus runs just perfectly, inclusive the USB_Blaster. I don't have any troubles programming the Cyclone II from within VMware... 

--- Quote End ---  



Hi pld_wiz 


The VMWARE is probably the problem, by default, the VM will power up with a different MAC address (NIC-Address) every time you start the VM. This causes issues with MAC based license managers (no problem with USB dongle based). You can setup the VM to used a fixed MAC address, then re-request the license file. 


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Honored Contributor II

anakha: But why is Quartus working very well? It also uses the same NIC-Address. The Vm keeps its address. 

But i'm having the same problem on another machine (no VM, native XP installation).  

Could it be a problem with the web license itself, even that I'd choose to include the modelsim license?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Rev: 


We'll the if your MAC address is staying constant, then my only remaining guess, (and this is only a guess), is perhaps you downloaded the wrong version of model-sim ?? I know on the Altera FTP site they have both "Free" and "Licensed" versions of model-sim. The free version (for Quartus 7.2) is called 72_modelsim_ae_free.exe, but the paid version is 72_modelsim_ae_windows.exe. If you downloaded and installed the full version, that could be the problem..  


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Honored Contributor II

That's It! I have 72_modelsim_ae_windows.exe  

I downloaded it from the website and not from the ftp. 

Very confusing....
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Great! They might have the wrong link on the website if it they sent you the licensed version when you grabbed the "Free" addition. 


If you try again, and it still gives you the same version, go to the ftp site. 


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Honored Contributor II

Well, I tried the ftp site ( ??) but I can't find any Software to download.  

But I discovered that Mentor Graphics offers also a free Version of Modelsim (for Students) and I will try to get a license from them.
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Honored Contributor II



You can choose to download ModelSim-Altera from this link: 


Just select "Windows (ModelSim-Altera Web Edition) – Includes Service Pack 1" and you should get it right.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Well, I tried the ftp site ( ??) but I can't find any Software to download.  

But I discovered that Mentor Graphics offers also a free Version of Modelsim (for Students) and I will try to get a license from them. 

--- Quote End ---  



If the other link doesn't work, try this: 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes, I have run into the exact same issue with MTI - free vs. licensed version. 


Make sure oyou have the correct one.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes! The free version works just how it should. Thanks for the help.

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