Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16680 Discussions

Modelsim and altfp blocks

Honored Contributor II

I'm attempting to simulate (functional level) a VHDL design using ModelSim that contains altfp_div and an altfp_conv blocks from the altera_mf library. These compile fine in Quartus, but when I try to compile the VHDL in Modelsim it gives me an error because the Modelsim altera_mf library does not contain any altfp blocks except altfp_mult.  


Is there any way to add the missing altfp blocks to the Modelsim libary, or is this a limitation of the starter edition of ModelSim-Altera?
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

i'm not seeing the same results as you. i'm using Quartus II 9.1sp2 and the accompanying ModelSim-AE version. 


i do confirm that altera_mf only contains an altfp_mult, but the altfp_div.vhd i created with the MegaWizard does compile fine in ModelSim. 


vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work /home/thepancake/testfp/testfp.vhd # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vcom 6.5b Compiler 2009.10 Oct 1 2009 # -- Loading package standard # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 # -- Compiling entity testfp_altfp_div_pst_tre # -- Compiling architecture rtl of testfp_altfp_div_pst_tre # -- Compiling entity testfp_altfp_div_8ah # -- Compiling architecture rtl of testfp_altfp_div_8ah # -- Compiling entity testfp # -- Compiling architecture rtl of testfp
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Honored Contributor II

I'm instantiating the altfp_div block in VHDL directly without using the megawizard: 


LIBRARY altera_mf; USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all; ... div0: altfp_div GENERIC MAP ( WIDTH_EXP => FP_WIDTH_EXP, WIDTH_MAN => FP_WIDTH_MAN, ROUNDING => "TO_NEAREST", REDUCED_FUNCTIONALITY => "YES", PIPELINE => FP_DIV_PIPELINE, EXCEPTION_HANDLING => "NO", OPTIMIZE => FP_DIV_OPTIMIZATION ) PORT MAP ( clock => clk, clk_en => calc_en, aclr => clr, dataa => inputs.if, datab => inputs.rf, result => rfDivRes ); ...  

This works fine in Quartus II 9.1. The component declaration for altfp_div is in the altera_mf_components package file (comes with Quartus). I generally use this style of coding so that I can easily change any of the parameters for the div block from parameters from the parent.
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Honored Contributor II

I see your problem - I only have altfp_mult in the altera_mf library too. Raise a case via mysupport.

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Honored Contributor II

i see the same, i guess its an enhancement request

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Honored Contributor II

I created a mysupport for this and got the following response: 


There is no behavioral model for altfp_div in the simulation library, thus you will need to include the MegaWizard instantiation in your source RTL for RTL (functional) simulation. Otherwise, you can try to run a Gate Level simulation to verify your design.
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