Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Modelsim licensing problem

Honored Contributor II

There was a thread back in July 2007 on this topic which did not address some of the issues I am seeing, so I am starting a new thread in the hope that with your help I can solve this. 


I have three machines all with QII 72sp3 and Modelsim Web edition. 

2 of the machines will not allow me to start Modelsim much in the same way as the thread from July 07. The 3rd machine works fine. The working machine is XP Pro. The non-working machines are XP. 


App Note AN340 talks about how you can use either the MGLS_LICENSE_FILE variable or the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point to the license file. (as a side note: I spoke with Modelsim support at one point and they recommended only using the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable not the MGLS_LICENSE_FILE variable, but never both at the same time.) I started out with the MGLS variable on the 2 non-working machines then tried the LM variable to no avail. The MGLS variable works on the 3rd machine. 


All 3 machines report good, valid license files when using "lmutil lmdiag". 


Trouble is the 3rd machine, the working one, is the slowest dog in my shop. Takes too long to run sims. 


Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to lend, 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I'm not really a pro in this, but I have faced this little problem before that if for the license file you're pointing to localhost address for any reason (like with port forwarding this could happen), in some platforms (mine was linux) localhost should be replaced by This is most likely not the case with windows though, just saying :)

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