Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Parallel flash loader QSPI in MAX II error

Honored Contributor II

I use Parallel Flash loader (PFL) in Flash Programming mode in EPM570F100. My targeted flash (MX25U6435F) has the same ID code that flash device MX25U6435E supported by Altera PFL (see ug_pfl.pdf). After programming MAX II Quartus Programmer didn't see QSPI FLASH attached with MAX II. After manualy connected this flash device in Programmer window and start programm flash I see on SPI bus (using digital analyzer) three cycles: Deep power down (command B9), Release from deep power down ("AB") and Read identification (9F). The flash device answer in last command was 'C2 25 37', but Quartus system message: 

"Start programm ... 

209012 Operation failed 

End programm ...". 

PFL_RESET in my function work correctly. Input data from flash device are also correctly (controlled by control point in other pins from MAX II). I use Quartus software version 11.1, 12.0, 13.0, 15.0, but I have identical result (message and bus diagramm). 

Did anybode know why this error occuped?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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I use Parallel Flash loader (PFL) in Flash Programming mode in EPM570F100. My targeted flash (MX25U6435F) has the same ID code that flash device MX25U6435E supported by Altera PFL (see ug_pfl.pdf). After programming MAX II Quartus Programmer didn't see QSPI FLASH attached with MAX II. After manualy connected this flash device in Programmer window and start programm flash I see on SPI bus (using digital analyzer) three cycles: Deep power down (command B9), Release from deep power down (AB) and Read identification (9F). The flash device answer in last command was 'C2 25 37', but Quartus system message: 

"Start programm ... 

209012 Operation failed 

End programm ...". 

PFL_RESET in my function work correctly. Input data from flash device are also correctly (controlled by control point in other pins from MAX II). I use Quartus software version 11.1, 12.0, 13.0, 15.0, but I have identical result (message and bus diagramm). 

Did anybode know why this error occuped? 

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PS: The SPI bus last cycle (Read ID) has 48 clock's (8 - for command (9f), 40 - answer from flash ('C2 25 37 C2 25')), but Read ID cycle in SPI Flash datasheet has only 32 clock's (8 - for command (9f), 24 - answer from flash ('C2 25 37'). Is this error in PFL mega-function ? PFL works correctly in CYCLONE IV for programming SPI flash MX25L1635E. Difference of MX25L1635E from MX25U6435F: 3,3V vs 1,8V, 16Mb vs 64Mb, ID code. 


PPS: PFL works correctly in the same EPM570F100 for programming SPI flash MX25L6435E (using another 3,3V bank). Difference of MX25L6435E from MX25U6435F: 3,3V vs 1,8V, ID code ('C2 20 17' vs 'C2 25 37'). My additional logic in EPM570F100 checks entrance ID code from a MX25U6435F for PFL and ID code is 'C2 25 37'. Probably, PFL doesn't support this ID code despite declared in the description (ug_pfl.pdf). Somebody knows in what file in Quartus it is possible to correct a QSPI ID code for MX25U6435F(E) ? 


The END: I replaced MX25U6435F with N25Q128A11ESE40 (SPI Flash, 1.8V, 128Mb) and PFL work correctly. From this it follows that pfl doesn't work with chips mx25u6435f(e). The Altera has to modify the description (ug_pfl.pdf) or PFL!
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