Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16623 Discussions

Post Synthesis Simulation Modelsim-Altera

Honored Contributor II


I am trying to do post synthesis simulation in Modelsim-Altera. I followed instructions exactly to generate ".vo" file needed for simulation. Here is my problem : After i compile my testbench and ".vo" file in modelsim , starting simulation generates lots of errors such as : 


unresolved defparam reference to 'mor1kx0_abus_gen_aibus_bridge_aclassic_acycle_end' in mor1kx0_abus_gen_aibus_bridge_aclassic_acycle_end.power_u  


In which mor1kx0_abus_gen_aibus_bridge_aclassic_acycle_end is a instance of altera primitive dfeass. I have included all related libraries and also have tried recompiling them, but errors are still present. I am pretty sure that dfeass is present in altera_primitives.v that i have already compiled to my work library. How should i get through these errors? 



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