Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

Post Synthesis simulation fails, problem with RTL?

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, I have a relatively simple state machine that works just fine for functional pre-synthesis simulation in Modelsim. 

However, after running Quartus synthesis and fitter and extracting the post synthesis netlist (.vdo) the post synthesis simulation fails. 


I have narrowed down the problem to a particular counter that counts correctly pre-syn but does not count at all post syn. 

Here are the code segments. Does anyone see what I am doing wrong that causes Quartus to mis-interpret the "increment reg"? 

I am using Quartus 13. 


Thanks in advance for any suggestions. 


--here is the increment register process-- 


inc_reg : process(clock, inc_reset, increment, increment_input)is 


if inc_reset = '0' then 

increment_input <= "0000"; 

elsif rising_edge(clock) then 

if increment = '1' then 

increment_input <= increment_input + 1; 


increment_input <= increment_input; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process inc_reg; 


--here are the states that should cause it to increment------------------------------ 


when key_data_input => 

inc_reset <= '1';  

oe1 <= '1';-- send to chip 

OE <= '0'; 

RD <= '1'; 

WR <= '0'; 

CS <= '0'; 

A0 <= '0'; 

DIR <= '0';-- FPGA to Chip 

timer_start <= '1';-- counter 

timer2_start <= '0'; 

data_start <= '0'; 

--output_enable <= '0'; 

if counter <= "001010" then 

increment <= '0'; 


increment <= '1'; 

end if; 

if increment_input = "0000" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (55 downto 49); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity0; 

elsif increment_input = "0001" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (48 downto 42); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity1; 

elsif increment_input = "0010" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (41 downto 35); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity2; 

elsif increment_input = "0011" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (34 downto 28); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity3; 

elsif increment_input = "0100" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (27 downto 21); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity4; 

elsif increment_input = "0101" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (20 downto 14); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity5; 

elsif increment_input = "0110" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (13 downto 7); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity6; 

elsif increment_input = "0111" then 

data_to_bus (7 downto 1) <= key (6 downto 0); 

data_to_bus (0) <= parity7; 


data_to_bus <= "00000000"; 

end if; 


when key_data_input_pause => 

increment <= '0'; 

inc_reset <= '1';  

oe1 <= '0';-- read chip 

OE <= '0'; 

RD <= '1'; 

WR <= '1'; 

CS <= '0'; 

A0 <= '0'; 

DIR <= '1';-- Chip to FPGA 

timer_start <= '0'; 

timer2_start <= '1';-- counter set mode 

data_to_bus <= "11111111";  

data_start <= '0'; 


when key_SRQ => 

increment <= '0'; 

inc_reset <= '1';  

oe1 <= '0';-- read chip 

OE <= '0'; 

RD <= '1'; 

WR <= '1'; 

CS <= '0'; 

A0 <= '1'; 

DIR <= '1';-- Chip to FPGA 

timer_start <= '0'; 

timer2_start <= '0'; 

data_to_bus <= "11111111";  

data_start <= '0'; 



-- here are the state transitions---------------------------------------------------- 

when key_data_input => 

if counter <= "001010" then 

next_state <= key_data_input; 


next_state <= key_data_input_pause; 

end if; 


when key_data_input_pause => 

if counter_set_mode < "100000" then 

next_state <= key_data_input_pause; 

elsif increment_input > "0111" then 

next_state <= check_KPE; 


next_state <= key_SRQ; 

end if; 


when key_SRQ => 

if SRQ = '1' then 

next_state <= key_data_input; 


next_state <= key_data_input_pause; 

end if;
0 Kudos
3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You didnt post the whole code, so I have to assume you're using a 2 process state machine style? 

increment appears to not be set in all states, so a latch will be created. Latches can have timing problems in hardware - so it is recommended that you avoid them.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Tricky, yes I am using the traditional two process state machine. I did not post the whole code for brevity. 

these are the only states that activate the increment process with the "increment" and "inc_reset" signals. 

increment is actively controlled in all states, unless you are seeing something above that I am not. 

No latches are inferred during the synthesis process.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Sorry I was confused by the way you posted the code - I thought the code at the bottom were extra states. 

I highly suggest posting the whole code. Either use Code tags or attach the file.
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