Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16680 Discussions

Pretty new at this Trying to make a stopwatch

Honored Contributor II

Here is the code I have 


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity Stopwatch is port (clk1 : in std_logic; run : in std_logic; res : in std_logic; tenths : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); seconds : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); tens : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); LED1 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); LED2 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); LED3 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ); end Stopwatch; architecture Behavioral of Stopwatch is signal tnt,sec,ten : integer range 0 to 9 :=0; signal count : integer :=1; signal clk : std_logic :='0'; signal runs : std_logic :='0'; begin tenths <= conv_std_logic_vector(tnt,4); seconds <= conv_std_logic_vector(sec,4); tens <= conv_std_logic_vector(ten,4); --clk generation.For 100 MHz clock this generates 1 Hz clock. process(clk1) begin if(clk1'event and clk1='1') then count <=count+1; if(count = 3) then clk <= not clk; count <=1; end if; end if; end process; process(clk) --period of clk is 1 second. begin if (res = '1') then tnt<= 0; sec<= 0; ten<= 0; end if; if (run='1' and runs='0') then runs <='1'; ELSIF (run='1' and runs='1') then runs <='0'; end if; if(clk'event and clk='1') then if (runs='1')then tnt <= tnt+ 1; end if; if(tnt = 9) then tnt<=0; sec <= sec + 1; if(sec = 9) then ten <= ten + 1; sec <= 0; if(ten = 9) then ten <= 0; end if; end if; end if; end if; If (tnt = 0) Then LED1 <= "0000001" ; ELSIF (tnt = 1) Then LED1 <= "1001111"; ELSIF (tnt = 2) Then LED1 <= "0010110"; ELSIF (tnt = 3) Then LED1 <= "0000110"; ELSIF (tnt = 4) Then LED1 <= "1001100"; ELSIF (tnt = 5) Then LED1 <= "0100100"; ELSIF (tnt = 6) Then LED1 <= "0100000"; ELSIF (tnt = 7) Then LED1 <= "0001111"; ELSIF (tnt = 8) Then LED1 <= "0000000"; ELSIF (tnt = 9) Then LED1 <= "0001100"; end if ; If (sec = 0) Then LED2 <= "0000001" ; ELSIF (sec = 1) Then LED2 <= "1001111"; ELSIF (sec = 2) Then LED2 <= "0010110"; ELSIF (sec = 3) Then LED2 <= "0000110"; ELSIF (sec = 4) Then LED2 <= "1001100"; ELSIF (sec = 5) Then LED2 <= "0100100"; ELSIF (sec = 6) Then LED2 <= "0100000"; ELSIF (sec = 7) Then LED2 <= "0001111"; ELSIF (sec = 8) Then LED2 <= "0000000"; ELSIF (sec = 9) Then LED2 <= "0001100"; end if ; If (ten = 0) Then LED3 <= "0000001" ; ELSIF (ten = 1) Then LED3 <= "1001111"; ELSIF (ten = 2) Then LED3 <= "0010110"; ELSIF (ten = 3) Then LED3 <= "0000110"; ELSIF (ten = 4) Then LED3 <= "1001100"; ELSIF (ten = 5) Then LED3 <= "0100100"; ELSIF (ten = 6) Then LED3 <= "0100000"; ELSIF (ten = 7) Then LED3 <= "0001111"; ELSIF (ten = 8) Then LED3 <= "0000000"; ELSIF (ten = 9) Then LED3 <= "0001100"; end if ; end process ; end Behavioral;  



And I keep getting the error saying  


cannot infer register for tnt because it does not hold value outside of clock edge. 


The problems go away when i remove the code for res and runs but I want res to be a button that resets everything to 0 when pressed and I want run to be the button that starts and stops the timer. 


What am I doing wrong here?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The synthesizer could be confused by the construction you used for the clocked process. A clocked process should always be constructed like this:process(clk,reset) if (reset = '1') then signals reset elsif rising_edge(clk) -- or (clk'event and clk='1') instructions end if; end process; 

You shouldn't do anything outside the clocked area except reset. In you code you have multiple conditions where you modify signals outside a clock edge or reset condition. And worse, some outputs of the process aren't defined on some of the paths, so you will create latches. Stick to the model above and it will avoid lots of problems. 

Also in FPGAs it isn't recommended to generate a clock the way you do, it can lead to timing problems and strange behaviour due to glitches. It is better to do a clock enable, i.e. to clock your process with the 100MHz clock, and only perform the stopwatch actions when the count signal reaches its limit.
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Honored Contributor II

Okay, so thats how I should set up the reset but how is the start stop button implemented? It seems like it will just keep running on its own with the way the second if is set up

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Honored Contributor II

you can sample the start and stop buttons in the clocked part of the process. You can have for example an 'on' signal that you set to 1 when you detect the start button has been pressed and back to 0 when you detect the stop button has been pressed. Then only update your counter when the 'on' signal is 1.

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