Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16672 Discussions

Problem with Array Operation

Honored Contributor II


I'm having a problem with the following code: 


module learning(datain,address,datawrite,dataread, dataout,dataout_,a1,a2,temp1,temp3,temp2); parameter length_of_data = 16; parameter bits_of_address = 4; input datain; input address; input datawrite,dataread; output dataout,dataout_; output a1,a2; output temp1,temp2,temp3; reg a1,a2; reg arr ; reg arr_ ; reg temp1,temp2,temp3; assign dataout =dataread? arr : 0; assign dataout_=dataread? arr_ : 0; always@(posedge datawrite) begin arr=datain; a1=datain; a2=datain; temp1=arr; temp2=temp1*a1; temp3=temp2/a2; arr_=temp3; end endmodule 


i cannot understand why 'temp3' is showing unusual values. Please help...
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Are you simulating this or actually running it in a part? I'm not sure you are generating the logic you expect. There is a massive amount of combinatorial logic created here.  


Here is what things will be every time datawrite goes high: 

arr[address] will be datain 

a1 will be datain 

a2 will be datain 

temp1 will be datain (Is this what you wanted?) 

temp2 will be datain * datain (Is this what you wanted?) 

temp3 will be (datain * datain) / datain (Is this what you wanted? Should be equivalent to datain) 

arr_[address] will be (datain*datain) / datain (Is this what you wanted?) 


Is it possible that you are abusing the Verilog blocking "=" operator and should instead be using the non-blocking operator "<="? 


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Honored Contributor II

thanks for the reply Jake :) 

it was just a test file...... and yes, i just wanted that temp3 will show the value of datain and also stor the value to arr_address.......... but i don't know why, it is not happening!!! i am using quartus II 7.2 sp3 and there is no error messege........... what do you think has happened??
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Honored Contributor II

1 - What are you getting for temp3? 

2 - Are you meeting timing requirements on this? 

3 - What device are you using (including speedgrade)? 


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