Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16689 Discussions

Problem wuth altsyncram

Honored Contributor II


I included in a top level schematic design an altsyncram function. 

I configured the altsyncram with MegaWizard as a true dual port ram (both rd and wr on each port), 8 bit wide and 4096 deep. 


When I compile in Quartus I get these error messages: 

Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a0" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a1" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a2" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a3" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a4" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a5" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a6" must use clk0 port Error: WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a7" must use clk0 port 


When I click on one of the error messages, Quartus open the attached auto generated file and points to one of the lines 

ram_block1a0 : cycloneiii_ram_block 


I see in the \db subdirectory a lot of other auto generated files altsyncram_*.tdf ; is this correct? 


Please help 



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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

you need to connect a clock to the ram.

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Honored Contributor II

This is what I understood. 

But the clock is actually already connected: single clock for both ram ports. 

Any other suggestion? 


I changed mem depth, added separated clocks for each port, regenerated the component, but always the same error. 

I generated HDL from bdf schematic and all seems to be ok. 

You can see the clock connection is there. clk_50m comes from a pll and feeds other devices, too. 



dp_ram b2v_inst24( .wren_a(ext_wren), .rden_a(ext_rden), .wren_b(dsp_wren), .rden_b(dsp_rden), .clock(clk_50m), .aclr(resetn), .address_a(ext_addr), .address_b(dsp_addr), .data_a(ext_data), .data_b(dsp_data), .q_a(ext_data), .q_b(dsp_data)); 



b2v_inst24 : dp_ram PORT MAP(wren_a => ext_wren, rden_a => ext_rden, wren_b => dsp_wren, rden_b => dsp_rden, clock => clk_50m, aclr => resetn, address_a => ext_addr(12 DOWNTO 0), address_b => dsp_addr(12 DOWNTO 0), data_a => ext_data(7 DOWNTO 0), data_b => dsp_data, q_a => ext_data(7 DOWNTO 0), q_b => dsp_data);
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Honored Contributor II

I instantiated the same altsyncram component in a blank design and Quartus processes it perfectly without errors. 

Could it be a conflict with the sopc builder system I have in the original target design? 

Infact I see that sopc builder auto generates other altsyncram*.tdf file in the \db directory. I checked them and they all seem similar to the one generated for my altsyncram. 

I changed a few parameters in Wizard int order my altsyncram exactly matches one of those sopc files (apart the name...) but I always get the same error. 


Please, any help is greatly appreciated because I've been stuck on this point for two days so far. 


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I instantiated the same altsyncram component in a blank design and Quartus processes it perfectly without errors. 

Could it be a conflict with the sopc builder system I have in the original target design? 

Infact I see that sopc builder auto generates other altsyncram*.tdf file in the \db directory. I checked them and they all seem similar to the one generated for my altsyncram. 

I changed a few parameters in Wizard int order my altsyncram exactly matches one of those sopc files (apart the name...) but I always get the same error. 


Please, any help is greatly appreciated because I've been stuck on this point for two days so far. 



--- Quote End ---  





your clock has no connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Cris, 


By definition, a Dual Port RAM has Port A and Port B. Thus it will also have two Clocks ( clockA and clockB ). It looks like you have not connected the clock for Port A in your design. Please check and connect the clock port for Port A to the same clk_50m signal. Make sure you're instance has the correct port definitions.  



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Honored Contributor II

Hi chinaboy and eapenabrm, 

thank you for your kind answers but please note that the thread is 7 years old!!! 

The problem had surely been solved. I can't remember, but taking a rapid look at the code, I guess the problem was actually with the level of resetn signal, since the clock connection in my final (working) design is exactly as the one I had pasted above: the only difference is a negated ~resetn. 

I don't know the reason of that misleading Quartus error messages.
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Honored Contributor II

Hey Cris, 


No issues, I was just checking to see if my ID still work in this forum. Its been like 10 years for me since I first logged into this, was just checking to see if things still work. Didn't want to use an active thread, so picked an old one to do it. Thanks anyways.:) 


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