Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16686 Discussions

QII 7.2SP3 SOPC Builder - Cannot modify PLL module?

Honored Contributor II

Hello all... I'm really hoping you guys can help me figure this strange problem out ... 


I'm using QII 7.2 SP3. Go into SOPC builder to an existing system, because I want to tap out the third clock output of a PLL that's in the system. (I'm currently only using .c0 and .c1, want to now use .c2) 


I double-click the PLL module I've named pll_FPGA, and the SOPC Builder's PLL Configuration Dialog pops up, where it has a button for me to "Launch Altera's ALTPLL MegaWizard" ...  


Click the "launch.." button, and nothing happens. :confused:  


I try using the stock megawizard from within QII and can edit it, but because none of the SOPC builder configuration files are updated that way, I can't get SOPC builder to recognize that there is now a .c2 output coming from this PLL module... 


Has anyone seen this strange error before? Haven't had a need to touch SOPC builder since QII 7.2, and I'm wondering if one of the service packs has caused a problem, or if something else might be going on ... 


thanks so much, 

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I encounterd the exact same problem, also with QII 7.2 SP3 (Win XP). 


There happens nothing when clicking "Launch Altera's ALTPLL MegaWizard" in the "Configuration Dialog" of a PLL module. 


But it does work with a QII 7.2 without any SP installed on an other machine (also Win XP)! 

So I think this bug was introduced with a SP. 


It is possible to generate the system with the SOPC Builder, but there is some strange output wich is not shown in QII 7.2 without any SP installed: 


# 2008.06.04 18:22:27 (*) Starting generation for system: nios_sys1. ............ # 2008.06.04 18:22:29 (*) Running Generator Program for pll_0 qmegawiz The last argument to qmegawiz should be the file name. options: -help or -h Displays this help module= Specifies the megafunction name to create new wrappers from command line Megafunction parameters and ports can be specified in the command line Megafunction name is optional when editing existing wrappers entity= same as module= megafunction= same as module= wizard= Specifies the wizard name to create new wrappers from command line Wizard name is optional when editing wrappers plugin= same as wizard= -f: Gets parameter assignments and port selections from the given file. Megafunction parameters should be specified in the format = Megafunction port usage can be set as =used or =unused Optional output files generated by the megawizard can be selected/deselected through the parameter OPTIONAL_FILES. INST controls the generation of _inst.v INC controls the generation of .inc CMP controls the generation of .cmp BSF controls the generation of .bsf BB controls the generation of _bb.v WAVE controls the generation of sample waveform file(s) (wherever the wizard supports it) SIM_NETLIST controls the generation of simulation netlist file (wherever the wizard supports it) SYNTH_NETLIST controls the generation of synthesis netlist file (wherever the wizard supports it) ALL generates all the applicable optional files NONE disables the generation of all optional files The above values when preceded by a '-' disable the generation of the file Multiple files can be enabled or disabled as shown below OPTIONAL_FILES=NONE|INC|CMP enables include and component files only OPTIONAL_FILES=ALL|-INC enables all files except include file List of megafunctions supported by the qmegawiz command line mode are alt2gxb altclkctrl altddio_bidir altddio_in altddio_out altecc_decoder altecc_encoder altfp_add_sub altfp_compare altfp_sqrt altiobuf_bidir altiobuf_in altiobuf_out altlvds_rx altlvds_tx altmult_accum altmult_complex altpll altsyncram dcfifo # 2008.06.04 18:22:31 (*) Running Generator Program for cpu_0  


While the SOPC Builder reports that "Info: System generation was successful.", compiling the system will FAIL with this error message: 

Info: Elaborating entity "pll_0_s1_arbitrator" for hierarchy "nios_sys1:inst|pll_0_s1_arbitrator:the_pll_0_s1" Warning: Using design file pll_0.vhd, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 2 design units and 1 entities in project Info: Found design unit 1: pll_0-europa Info: Found entity 1: pll_0 Info: Elaborating entity "pll_0" for hierarchy "nios_sys1:inst|pll_0:the_pll_0" Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at pll_0.vhd(170): signal "reset_input1" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at altpllpll_0.vhd(1) near text "/"; expecting "entity", or "architecture", or "use", or "library", or "package", or "configuration" Error (10622): VHDL syntax error at altpllpll_0.vhd(76): INT_FEEDBACK__MODE_RADIO is an illegal identifier in VHDL Error: Node instance "the_pll" instantiates undefined entity "altpllpll_0" Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 30 warnings Info: Allocated 193 megabytes of memory during processing Error: Processing ended: Wed Jun 04 18:28:32 2008 Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:12 Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 30 warnings  



So the big question is, how can we fix this??? 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have opened a service request with Altera ..

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Honored Contributor II

from Altera's tech support (reply to my service request): 



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I have tested some projects in my computer in v7.2sp3. I don’t find such error. Could you please check if your project path contains any space, or your Quartus II and Nios II IDE installation directory contain space? 

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And an update on my part-- I went back to an OLD archive from January and began copying portions of the .SOPC and .PTF files from the Jan version to the current version using a GUI-based diff tool (we use Beyond Compare).. After tons of changes I was sure things would just crash and burn, but I thought I'd try it anyway, and don't'cha'know, things started working. The 3rd PLL output that I wanted showed up (that's the stuff I was copying, because it USED to be enabled and I wanted to RE-enable it), AND I am now able to open the PLL megawizard... 


But I think something OUTSIDE the project has changed, too. Because now I can go back to the previously "non-working" copy of the project and it works fine now. 


(spooky music playing) 


I am wondering about path names, environment variables, and other non-project-specific settings at this point... The case is still open, but at least I can push forward with the design now ... Hopefully I can help narrow this down for Altera and you guys .. 


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Honored Contributor II

Thank you dane and Altera tech support 



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from Altera's tech support (reply to my service request): 


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I have tested some projects in my computer in v7.2sp3. I don’t find such error. Could you please check if your project path contains any space, or your Quartus II and Nios II IDE installation directory contain space? 

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I do have spaces my Quartus II and Nios II IDE installation directory. This is due the fact, that I installed the software at "C:\Program Files\Altera\...". 


My Project path also had spaces in it.  

After removing the spaces from the project path it works fine now (QII still lives in "C:\Program Files\...")! 


But in my opinion it is a strange behaviour, that it does not work with spaces in the project path (spaces are legal characters in files and directories). 



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Honored Contributor II

Cool... thanks for the post!

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