Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16683 Discussions

Qsys problem with auto-inserted adapters

Honored Contributor II



I have a problem with Qsys. It generates "avalon-st adapters" between my VIP functions and because of them, my design doesn't work anymore. I explain me.  


I have a simple design of a TPG (test pattern generator) and an ITC (clocked video output). It works perfectly, I saw the color bars on my screen (VEEK kit). I re-generate my design and it doesn't work anymore. I compare all of my files, before and after and the only différences was in the .qip generate by Qsys. In the "wrong" file there are in addition "Avalon-st adapter" and "avalon-st adapter timing adapter". I search in the litterature and I found this document :  

I saw in it : "note: The auto-inserted adapters feature does not work for video IP core connections." 

and a command tu put in the quartus.ini to disable this function. I did it and it works perfectly again. 

The problem is that I have to put a frame buffer between the TPG and the ITC to go on the rest of my design and tere is not enough space internally for it so I put it on the DDR3 of the board but, Inside the DDR3 controller there is a necessary timing adaptation (see errors at the end) So I can't let my command to deactivate the auto-inserted adapters but my design don't work without it. 


Is there a way to fix this ?? 


P.S : I work on the VEEK kit with the Cyclone V SOC board and Quartus 13.1 64bits 


errors in DDR3 :  

Error: mem_if_ddr3_emif_0.dmaster.timing_adt.out/ The source has a ready latency of 0, while the sink has 1. Please insert appropriate adapter. 

Error: mem_if_ddr3_emif_0.dmaster.fifo.out/b2p.in_bytes_stream: The source has a ready latency of 1, while the sink has 0. Please insert appropriate adapter.
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