Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Quartus crashing...

Honored Contributor II

This is an intentionally simple design (Nios2 CPU, sysid, on-chip RAM, 1 parallel port (leds) and a Jtag-uart). Fresh install of 11.0 on Win-XP. It crashes with: 



*** Fatal Error: Access Violation at 0X0495A5EF 

Module: quartus_sta.exe 

Stack Trace: 

0x3a5ee: RDB_REPORT_HANDLER::update_sub_pointers + 0x38e (db_rdb) 

0x3a3bf: RDB_REPORT_HANDLER::update_sub_pointers + 0x15f (db_rdb) 

0x3a718: RDB_REPORT_HANDLER::update_pointers + 0x18 (db_rdb) 

0x5def: RDB_REPORT::get_report + 0x23f (db_rdb) 

0x5f01: RDB_REPORT::get_report + 0x81 (db_rdb) 

0x201c0: rdb_tcl_get_report + 0x70 (db_rdb) 

0x21dfc: rdb_load_databases_for_reporting + 0x6c (db_rdb) 

0x22264: _rdb_load_report + 0xe4 (db_rdb) 

0xc82e: _TclInvokeStringCommand + 0x8e (tcl85) 

0xdde3: _TclEvalObjvInternal + 0x283 (tcl85) 

0x472ae: _TclExecuteByteCode + 0xd0e (tcl85) 

0x46113: _TclCompEvalObj + 0xc3 (tcl85) 

0xf280: _TclEvalObjEx + 0x2a0 (tcl85) 

0x1811f: _Tcl_IfObjCmd + 0x27f (tcl85) 

0xdde3: _TclEvalObjvInternal + 0x283 (tcl85) 

0x472ae: _TclExecuteByteCode + 0xd0e (tcl85) 

0x83dfa: _TclObjInterpProcCore + 0x4a (tcl85) 

0x83d93: _TclObjInterpProc + 0x33 (tcl85) 

0xdde3: _TclEvalObjvInternal + 0x283 (tcl85) 

0xe99e: _TclEvalEx + 0x6ee (tcl85) 

0xe29c: _Tcl_EvalEx + 0x1c (tcl85) 

0x66561: _Tcl_FSEvalFileEx + 0x1a1 (tcl85) 

0x653df: _Tcl_EvalFile + 0x1f (tcl85) 

0xa850: _Dinkum_std::basic_string<char,_Dinkum_std::char_traits<char>,MEM_STL_ALLOCATOR<char> >::operator= + 0x200 (comp_qexe) 

0xed10: qexe_get_command_line + 0xf60 (comp_qexe) 

0x11245: qexe_run_tcl_option + 0x485 (comp_qexe) 

0x1a66e: qcu_run_tcl_option + 0xa5e (comp_qcu) 

0xaf00: qsta_main + 0x90 (quartus_sta) 

0x11688: qexe_process_cmdline_arguments + 0x358 (comp_qexe) 

0x117a4: qexe_standard_main + 0x84 (comp_qexe) 

0xaeca: qsta_main + 0x5a (quartus_sta) 

0x1b91: msg_main_thread + 0x11 (CCL_MSG) 

0x1be8: _thr_final_wrapper + 0x8 (ccl_thr) 

0x1b05: msg_thread_wrapper + 0x85 (CCL_MSG) 

0x218a: mem_thread_wrapper + 0x4a (ccl_mem) 

0x28a03: msg_exe_main + 0x63 (CCL_MSG) 

0xaf2c: _main + 0x1c (quartus_sta) 

0xb943: __purecall + 0x15f (quartus_sta) 

0x17076: RegisterWaitForInputIdle + 0x48 (kernel32) 




Quartus II Version 11.0 Build 157 04/27/2011 SJ Web Edition 



... maybe I ought to go back to 10.1 :( 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Well, Quartus just wasted my Saturday, but creating a brand new VM, installing a fresh copy of XP, updating everything to the latest patch-levels, and doing a re-install of the 11.0 software seemed to do the trick...  


Silly me, because of Parallels, for a little while there I'd forgotten I was running Windows (and don't tell me to use Win-7. That crashes on shut-down on three different machines). If Quartus can run on linux, why can't it be OSX-native ? Come on guys, you're only down the road from Cupertino... Pop over and talk about it... 


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