Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16676 Discussions

QuartusII: Error(10481) - Error(10800)

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

I've just create a new project in QuartusII tool, following these steps: 



1) I opened the 'New Project Wizard' window: 

  • Name of the working directory 

  • Name of the project 

  • Select device type 

2) I opened File->New->VHDL file and copied a VHDL project into this 


3) I started Compilation: Processing->Start compilation 


But there result is a list of errors maybe concerning libraries I added: 


  • error (10481): vhdl use clause error at testbench.vhd(20): design library "work" does not contain primary unit "log_package" 


  • error (10800): vhdl error at testbench.vhd(20): selected name in use clause is not an expanded name 


Where am I going wrong? 


Thanks to all.
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9 Replies
Honored Contributor II

you havent included the vhd file with the log_package definition in it.

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Honored Contributor II

Yeah, in fact that was the problem; these are the libraries I used: 


library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 


library work; 

use work.log_package.all; 

use work.clock_sim_package.all; 

use work.reset_sim_package.all; 

use work.utils_package.all; 

use work.clkdiv_package.all; 


So I added (Project->Add/Remove) all the VHDL files I used (log_pachage.vhd, clock_sim_package.vhd, ...and so on) 


But in log_package: 


library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; 


library std; 

use std.textio.all; 


library work; 

use work.bus_control_package.all; 



Now QuartusII get me a new error message: 


  • error (10481): vhdl use clause error at log_package.vhd(18): design library "ieee" does not contain primary unit "std_logic_textio" 

  • error (10800): vhdl error at log_package.vhd(18): selected name in use clause is not an expanded name 

But in the ieee folder on my PC there is that library. 

Where am I going wrong? 

Maybe have I to tell Quartus where ieee library is? Have I to get it the path? 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I get the feeling log package is a debug package not meant for synthesis. Remove log package and any files that use it. (or only use it without synthesis translate on/off pragmas) 


std_logic_textio is for outputting std_logic/vectors to text files, just like std.textio. Because they have no meaning for synthesis, quartus does not keep a copy. modelsim has it.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

If I remove 'log_package.vhd', it sends me the error: 


error (10481): vhdl use clause error at testbench.vhd(21): design library "work" does not contain primary unit "log_package"
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

then remove the files that use log package, they are probably testbenches and not for synthesis.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

My top VHDL file ('testbench.vhd') uses log_package.vhd :) 

I can't remove it, otherwise there's that error.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

then clearly, as a testbench, it is not appropriate for synthesis and should not be compiled with quartus, you are only meant to simulate it in a simulator (such as modelsim). 


You cannot compile log package in quartus, or any files that use it. you will either have to make another top level file with connections to pins on your chip, or if the testbench does that (which it should not) put these comments around log_package and anything in the code that uses log_package. 


--synthesis translate_off ..anything here is ignored by the compiler use work.log_package.all; --synthesis translate_on
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Honored Contributor II

Ok, so i tried to compilate the entity and not the testbench; 

I added the entity with architectures and libraries: 


library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 

library work; 

use work.stdma_avalon_package.all; 

use work.hdlc_tx_package.all; 

use work.hdlc_rx_package.all; 

use work.edgedet_package.all; 

use work.syncronizer_package.all; 


and there is this error message: 


error (10430): vhdl primary unit declaration error at avalon_2oo3_hdlc_entity.vhd(8): primary unit "avalon_2oo3_hdlc" already exists in library "work" 

error (10784): hdl error at avalon_2oo3_hdlc.vhd(104): see declaration for object "avalon_2oo3_hdlc"
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Honored Contributor II

Instead of posting every single error here, I suggest 2 things: 


1. read the errors and act on them. This one clearly tells you that it is trying to compile two things with the same name. without your code, I cant tell you what the problem is. 


2. post the project here.
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