Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Radix 4 FFT implementation problem in vhdl

Honored Contributor II

I am getting a problem with the operand and multiple driver while implementing radix 4 FFT. 

the problem is that 

g2(0) <= add(s(1),mult(s(5),w(1))); 

g2(0) <= add(s(1),mult(s(9),w(2))); 

g2(0) <= add(s(1),mult(s(13),w(3))); 


from g2 actually there are three expressions arising...i am not able to use any operand in between them like and/or/+ so that i can avoid writing three times g2(0) which is nothing but problem of multiple driver. 

the error is...and/or/+ cannot be any operand in such context like that(whatever operator i put there) what should i do plz help 

Even though i have tried to convert those expressions in binary and then use the + operand in between but still the same problem persist....and even i tried with declaring function in the package with "and" but in either way also i was not able to solve the please help me
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

please post the real code, and the real error. The code you posted shows a multiple driver error because you assignming g2(0) from 3 different sources. The rest of your post doesnt make a lot of sense.

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