Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

Really old and really annoying bugs

Honored Contributor II

1) In the schematic editor, if you select a bunch of the schematic, then move it. If any crossed wires land where the end of a pin used to be, a new unwanted junction is added to the design. This bug existed even in Max pluss II. 2) In the schematic editor, if you use the pin inversion, Max pluss II used to put the inversion pattern (a hex number that the data on the pin is xored with) next to the pin, so you could tell what was going on. In Quartus, this pattern is randomly placed (usually off screen) 3) The longer quartus has been running, the fewer schematic pages will display properly (will get redrawn). I have seen the number of properly displayed pages drop to as low as 2. The only way to recover from this is to reboot the computer. I have seen this bug on every computer I have tried it on. Yes I have reported these bugs. Some of them many times. They never seem to get fixed. Oh, Good. I go to all the trouble to enter my data in paragraphs, and it gets all mashed together in a monolithic block.

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